Thank heavens we’ll be free of poodles, though.
I just don’t understand any Bernie supporter that would consider voting for Trump if it ended up being Clinton vs. Trump. I just have to chalk that shit up to misogyny because it makes no sense otherwise. Yeah, this whole Trump-will-bring-about-revolution idea is BATSHIT INSANE, which is frankly more proof that our…
Nah, it’s totes a sin and might make you gay since you’re the same sex as yourself.
That’s where my brain went first as well!
Finn from Adventure Time!!
I had a Barbie doll in the 80's that came with that...
I finally admitted to myself that the people that support Trump do so because of his racist remarks, not in spite of them. They just try to pretend they have other reasons. I wanted to believe there was some nuance to this whole debacle, but there is not. Lizard brains, indeed.
Aaah, good ol’ Wacko, Texas.
They were fucking crazy for thinking what they were doing was okay. Someone’s been hit in the head one too many times with a football. I wouldn’t have opened the door for 5 white women, much less a single man of any race.
Don’t you know who I am???!!
So no internet for anyone under 18?
Is this from a movie?!
Dude, that was a confession!!
This is one of the core tenets of White Privilege, isn’t it?
I suddenly thought of Milli Vanilli. Faked, all the way to the vocals. Have we had to rip a Grammy away from a woman or group of women that tried to get away with something like this?
Eeeeeh, I know there is a chipmunk emoji, but I want a squirrel one. Much more important, I think.
I had some fool on twitter tell me that Trump doesn’t engage in hate speech, that’s just a “stupid liberal talking point.”