Regular bigotry can go fuck itself, but if it’s backed by religion, it’s all good.
Regular bigotry can go fuck itself, but if it’s backed by religion, it’s all good.
I enjoy Chris Hayes’ show, but a few days ago he made me very uncomfortable with his #NotAllTrumpVoters take earlier this week. Sorry, Chris, but giving people a pass because they think Trump’s hate speech is “fake” or “showmanship” is fucking ridiculous. Anything other than immediate condemnation of Trump’s hateful…
My husband does 3d game art for a living and has a deep appreciation/fascination for skulls. I can’t take him down the Halloween decoration aisle for fear of rage strokes!
Oh thank you, I laughed so hard!!
Avoiding the negative conversations - watch out for that one. I made a point to stay out of the office politics at my last job because I thought I was just going to avoid a bunch of self-created headaches.
This sounds great!
Maybe Wozzeck?
Did this sentiment inspire your username?
Mekki, you’re a racist, judgmental piece of garbage. You must be the new demographic to which Jezebel is aiming.
I don’t deny that I’m dark. I hope you do kill yourself, or die in a fire.
Oh, look who it is. The person that actually judged a child, blaming her for her own abandonment. Who’s dark, exactly? I won’t forget the foul taste you left in my mouth.
Goddamn you, I laughed.
If her mirror is any indication, her underpants are probably stiff from all the filth build-up.
Well, I’ve never seen it! But I have noticed that you are often the only person that responds to a lot of people that are looking for support in the greys. You never leave anyone out (except the real assholes, teh trolls).
OMG this story....too good...for words...
That’s something that really stands out about you. You’re the popular girl that is friends with everyone because you’re just genuine and kind. I always look forward to reading your commentary.