Very well said!
Very well said!
Heh. I’ve taken the opposite road.
My only question is, what’s with the John Boehner filter?
I tried tonight, but I’ll have to give it another go tomorrow. It was too hard trying to hold the vacuum and the camera, and keep him from going too crazy on the vacuum (he doesn’t realize it could actually get him). Mr. Nuttier will have to assist.
These are the kinds of comments I’m always looking for...did you see the ones about the Star Trek porno story on Gizmodo? Hint: the uniforms were all wrong. Hilarious!
My chinchilla actually likes to follow the vacuum around and try to give it a good chomp.
That is...wut?
So she put herself and her home in the public sphere with the Roto-Rootin’ “Ghost Hunters” long before the movie was ever released, and she wants a payout?
I was really grumps today, until I read this story.
So you grew up in Texas, too, eh?
I’m inclined to say being abandoned and unwanted by your birth parent is worse than being separated from a loving parent by their unexpected passing. You don’t think abandonment causes terrible grief?
This story is amazing.
Oh man I got full-body goosebumps!!!!!!!!!
Somebody better get some dragon glass before the autopsy!
Why are you besmirching the good name of squirrels?!
Rats with party hats? Count me in!!
Totally a side-effect of recovering from Ebola!
I’ve also seen women sexually harassed while being harassed for their signature by dudes peddling their petitions. Another “bonus” of being a woman.
Dongatello and Wanksy are my faves!