nuttier than squirrel poo

This should be a top comment! There are too many comments saying we need to fix the parents’ attitudes about this, when people don’t realize that kids are very smart and pick up on these things.

Yeah, they already have a 4-year-old in heels, FFS!

OMG, Jumpin’ Jack Flash! I used to obsessively watch that movie as a kid. The sequined-dress-in-the-shredder bit was hilarious!

OMG, that coworker and his wife were literally looney-tunes!

Now playing

My husband just loves this “Honest Abe” commercial.

Apparently everybody is watching too much of Fox News.

I thought Mom was probably working with her toddler in tow in just a diaper or something. I was not expecting this horror show.

This is beautiful.

I am so sorry. Many hugs to you!

This is interesting because I’ve met a few tall guys (over 6’) that don’t feel comfortable dating petite women because they are too “child-like” in size and it makes them feel like pedos.

How funny! My husband is a Character Artist at Treyarch. We rarely have time to play games, either. We were checking out “Ori and the Blind Forest” last night on Twitch while discussing all of the games we have been unable to complete. I know the feels!

I think we grew up in the same family! I mean, we love each other with all we’ve got, but don’t be whiny or you will face some serious teasing. Oof, sometimes it could be brutal.

Congrats on your new house & dream job! I hope your wife finds her dream job, too.

Where have you been?!

The hate is strong with this one.

It’s weird that it only upsets him sometimes. Is he reacting to silent pressure he feels from other dudes in the room? Or maybe it’s totally something else, like he can’t stand the other dudes in the room checking you out in 5-inch heels? Maybe you can do a little research for us and try to pry it out of him? It’s

I’m 5’7” and I connected with a guy on Match that happened to be the same height as me (height isn’t a deal-breaker for me). I wore heels to the first date and he threw a hissy-fit when I walked in and I was a few inches taller than him. He angrily accused me of lying about my height! I pointed out my heels while

Well, he’s as fugly on the outside as he is on the inside.

We have a right to jobs in this country?! Shiiiit, I’m gonna email those companies I recently interviewed with and let them know.

I saw this in the comments under a different story and I thought someone did an impeccable photoshop job. It’s real.