nuttier than squirrel poo

This guy is like a hillbilly Trent Reznor.

I got the Famous Feet ad with lots of kids in it. It made the video all the more horrifying.

“working the parts” ahahahahaha!!

This is the most perfect use of this gif ever.

It was a big, fat lie!

Eh, I pawned the gun my husband used to kill himself. That stupid thing may actually have a ghost with it. The pawn shop didn’t care and I needed the money.

I thought he was wearing a crocheted cap. I don’t even know what’s going on there!!

The guy on the left has a serious case of the crazy eyes!

Hahaha! Yeah, she was grossed out and called my hammy a rat! She really flipped her lid when I brought Achoo the Chinchilla home (years later). She freaked because she thought Achoo was a giant rat.

That is awesome!! We would have been buds :D

+me! I would, too :D

This is so awesome! You are freakin’ adorable.

Gorgeous! Your skin is perfection!!!


This isn’t my senior portrait - they were all toooo frightening. But this one is hilarious! I enjoyed my wacky new wave cut and rocked my Depeche Mode shirt. The haircut started short on one side and then gradually angled down to the long side. I was like one of those spiral wind chimes. 7th grade, man.

OMG I love that Robot Chicken sketch!

This comment made my day! Still laughing!

Ahaha! I love this :)

purple eyeliner!

Well, I’m kickin’ the shit outta Option B!