Oh, wow, wow, wow. The “soulmate” comment is just...I don’t even know what to say! It’s just beyond cruel, beyond, beyond. Damn. I am so sorry.
Oh, wow, wow, wow. The “soulmate” comment is just...I don’t even know what to say! It’s just beyond cruel, beyond, beyond. Damn. I am so sorry.
I actually completely blew up at the guy, so badly that his wife began to cry. My sister stood there and held my shoulders as I told him off. It wasn’t pretty.
Oh lord, I am so sorry you had to witness that! I’m sure I would have frozen, too. When I meet someone that’s experienced a death recently, I just tell them I am sorry for their loss, and if they need someone to listen, I’ll be around. Then I shut up, because I am the foot-in-mouth type of person, and so many…
“You are young, you will meet someone else.”
Wow. My mouth is hanging open.
That is fucking frightening! You are strong. I don’t know if I could have stood so tall with a target like that on my back for almost 3 years!!!
I’ve been called “honey” or “sweetie” by opposing counsel. I usually respond by calling them “cookie” or “pudding.” Then I act confused when they ask me to call them “Michael” or whatever their actual name is. “What? I thought we had the kind of relationship where we give each other nicknames? No? My bad.”
HOly shit!
Goddamn that pisses me off! I can’t remotely imagine how that must have been for you, seeing that kid all twisted up like that. Jesus.
This is bonkers. I like it.
Is she doing an impression of the Grinch?
Oh my god i laughed so loud! Thank you!
Yeah! It’s time the NSA did something useful.
Though there are no objectively proven effective strategies that work across the board to eradicate child sex abuse, experts agree that programs that focus on educating children about the risk and dangers of those who would harm them, and programs that help identify likely offenders early on, are two of the best bets.
That’s secretly why she had so many kids. She heard that women sometimes have orgasms while giving birth, and it was her only chance!
Wow, she definitely took her acting cues from porn. I am soooooo grossed out by this!!!!!
OMG, this is so funny! I know the feels of the social anxieties.
I wouldn’t call this the “best” time I pretended to be someone else, it was just the only time because it did not end well.