nuttier than squirrel poo

I really should have gotten a burner for this, but this is me!

Here comes the “thought police” again.

Somebody forgot the most important ingredient, though.

Kangarock is right! Somebody obviously benefited from that story about The Rock’s diet.

This, exactly!

That was an amazing read. Thank you!!

This is one of the most ridiculous pearl-clutching ASSumptions I’ve ever read. “It MUST be sexual...think of the children!!” Maybe they are just doing it for shock value. Maybe they are psychology students. Maybe they really are just pretending for fun.

Okay, I think I see what you are saying and I somewhat agree with you. “Jurisdiction” definitely got my hackles up, along with the “I pay your salary.” But you used the latter in an appropriate context, for sure, so I was certainly wrong on that account.

Hmmm...I’ll have to revisit the happily-ever-after ending. Honestly, I have tried to stay away from watching the violent stuff because I feel so weird about it (like, am I a misogynist?!). I saw a post on Kotaku about video game porn and I was intrigued. I downloaded the Lara Croft video and I loved it, but felt like

OMG yes! This is cracking me up!

You are awesome!!

I saw it listed on Amazon, but don’t know if I would buy. Now I wish I could watch my VHS tape so I could figure out which episode(s) I have.

I still have an ancient copy of “La Blue Girl” on VHS!! Bwahahaha! It was my intro to the genre, so memorieeeeees!!

Yay! (and Phew!) Happy to see ya :D

This is one of my “secrets” that makes me question if I’m a feminist or not. I considered getting a burner for this comment, but meh.

Well, I would rather keep my eyes intact. Although the downside/upside of taking on the low-rise jeans complex might look something more like this...?

I think the look of disgust on my face is now permanent. And now I have an eye twitch.

Ooof, that second photo is the worst!! I just wanna gouge my eyes out!!!

If they’re paying for the tuition they absolutely have jurisdiction. If I send my kid to college and pay thousands upon thousands of dollars I definitely want to have a say in what happens on that campus. I’m paying them for a service and if I think that service is lacking then I have a right to complain.

It’s amazing how many people think a tubal ligation is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. I had my tubes tied when I was 32, and I’m still on alert years later because the doctor told me a tubal ligation can fail. I chose cauterization and he let me know that it is possible to get pregnant if the scar tissue