
So the bells made Dany into a crazed mass murderer? I understand her going off the deep end, but killing hundreds for no reason struck me as forced.

I was a little put off by the burning of the dead in the opening scene. Except for Theon and Jorah, didn’t most of their battle casualties get re-animated and shattered into crushed ice after the Night King got the shiv by Arya? I could have sworn they showed the little Mormont girl as an ice zombie last week, but

Only half the Dothraki...

No, no. You’re just mistaken.



It can be two things.

It was, wasn’t it? Jerome Flynn just burst into the room with some energy we hadn’t seen in a long time.



You should calm down. It’s just a show, dude.

God what a horrible episode. For me, it ruins the entire series and makes me question whether I should even finish it (I know I fucking will). What a fucking shame, one of the best TV shows ever made has become...this. I’m too fucking tired and pissed off to really give a full breakdown, but just off the top of my

What is dead may never die, eh?

Oh yah, winter’s coming, dontchaknow. Heckuva deal for us white walkers.

Yeah, it was an uneven finale at best, and that’s how the whole season was for me. It hopped from thing to thing so quickly that nothing seemed to develop organically. The brother is in the CIA? (why?). Mom ran away to Paris? Midge gets demoted and promoted and serves as a wedding planner for a coworker whose wedding

Yes, Midge’s career is about to take off, she’s doing great there, but her personal life is a mess. Benjamin is very attractive but a bit of an odd duck, I think she’s marrying her dad there. Joel is less repulsive this season, but he wants to be forgiven for the practically unforgivable.  Then, there’s Lenny.  Now,


In an episode overflowing with “wait, what?” moments, I really don’t want the Ghoulie wielding a giant hook tied to a stick to get overlooked.

Is Penny still a Bar-certified lawyer? Because her quality of life could be so much better than it is.” Okay, you got me to laugh out loud with that one; so glad you’re back reviewing this show for this season, LaToya (even if it devolves into another beautiful, terrible, stupid mess again)

i’m giving this show 2 more episodes to get Beth & Rio fucking, and after that i am DUNZO.