
These afternoon delights have afternoon ends

These afternoon delights have afternoon ends

I also noticed this? It made me confused as to how much time had past since she went missing because she didn’t look disheveled or like she had been peeing in a bucket/surviving on power bars at all.

These Turkish delights have Turkish ends

I was wondering that also? She had a fresh change of clothing and fresh make up. Does she have access to the will money also?

I really feel like this FBI agent is a plant by Hiram to test Archie’s loyalty. Or a figment of Archie’s PTSD mind. Either way, the agent is rude as fuck, did you see the way he had his feet up on the table in Archie’s garage? Rude!

My theory is that Hiram Lodge’s real name was Hector Lopez or something and then when he decided he wanted to become a real estate tycoon (or whatever) he changed it a more Anglo sounding name to get more respect.

Ugh, last week’s episode was so great and this episode was not just cringe but also boring. I had to turn away from my TV during Betty’s no-rhythm having strip dance. She could have at least had the good fashion sense to borrow a pair of appropriate Louboutins from Cheryl or Veronica, instead of wearing her church

If they can redeem Chuck Bass and make him go from rapist to romantic (that the audience was rooting for!) by season 6 of Gossip Girls, then Chuck Clayton should be no problem. Him and Josie were super cute together and you know what, I’m not sorry about it!