
I mean what exactly are they supposed to do? Most anchors under a major organization umbrella (like sinclair) are under contract, and if they break rank they will be financially ruined and possibly even opening themselves up to legal liability.

I mean we are talking long-term lawsuits that individuals would never be

I deserved that.


Really if you were a fan, you would have called the Corey Hotline or at least read about it in non-threatening boys magazine.

“calm, rational vegans”

Sorry, judges not impressed with your troll attempt.

When vegan protesters gathered outside Toronto’s Antler Kitchen & Bar on Friday with a banner reading “Murderer” and chants of “you’ve got blood on your hands,” the owner responded by carving a deer leg inside the front window of his restaurant.

I think the carving up the leg right in front of them was a good. However the ultimate fuck you was going to the kitchen, cooking up some of the venison, and finally devouring it in front of them.

Apparently “Corey’s Angels” aren’t the guardian kind.

It’s people like this (the protesters) that give the rest of us calm, rational vegans a bad name. Shouting at someone is the absolute worst way to get anyone to see your point of view, and they are doing much more harm than good when it comes to animal rights. Groups like this just do these stunts to make headlines,

This is a pretty great “fuck you.” Someone is protesting your business? Do your business in front of them. I mean...what else do you do? They can’t say you did anything else than what you always do.

“We were in shock,” Mari Ugar, an organizer of the protest


Time for this ol’ chestnut:

And you KNOW Sudeikis would have flown out for it, because he never looks happier than when he’s wearing that red jumpsuit, doing the Runing Man

McKinnon is much better at the over the top characters. Strong is much better at the more subtler, character based character. And, yeah, Strong is extremely underrated. It took me awhile to warm up to her and now I realize how good she is. She’s got the extremely important yet extremely undervalued role as the cast

What we really need is more Vincent Price Specials.

I’m Irish and I’m just disappointed in this untruth. None of our cousins are remotely hot.

I like Kate McKinnon, and I don’t need impressions to be right on the money, but when they have her doing so many different political impressions they all feel the same to me - her vocal inflections, pauses, everything. The DeVos one reminded me of Hillary. They should either drop the political aspect (my advice) or