
Yeah, I read this same article earlier and was quite confused at how Splinter arrived at their take on it. Ignoring all these context-filled sections is one way, I guess.

I’m too out of shape right now to attempt these moves...but that didn’t stop me from trying!

I don’t have a problem with her getting the money. NBC knew she was awful and racist before they hired her, and gave her the contract anyways. Nothing she said or did was any worse than the shit she spouted on Fox News, so I guess it was pretty difficult for them to refuse to pay her for saying things she was already

It doesn’t appear anyone else wanted the job. Not that I blame them. I’m lukewarm on Schumer, but I can’t think of a more thankless job to have the next two years.

He isn’t. The comment was made on the Instagram of the company that did the work.

Ugh, this is annoying. He didn’t post the comment on her Instagram. He apparently follows the car company that did the work. They posted a photo there promoting the work, and that’s where his comments were. A bit different from Justin Bieber randomly following her. The comment was still dickish, but I laughed because

This is exactly the thought process I went through while reading this article.

It does get things resolved quickly.

I’ve found that a healthy mix of both works best. Threats are actually easier now that they have phones and game consoles to take away. 

I don’t always agree with AVClub reviews, but this one summed up my impressions of this movie from the trailers. I really like Emily Blunt, but she didn’t exude much warmth. Count me in as not understanding the excitement. I am morbidly curious about just how bad Lin-Manual Miranda’s accent is, though.

First, I appreciate the dispassionate take on this article that summed up pertinent points of what was released without judgment. Second, I’m really bothered by the fact that the comments starting out seem to be digs at Katy Perry.

I never again want to hear about Dade County riding to our rescue. The shit never happens! Never!

My 13 and 11-year old niece and nephew still want to go trick or treating. I’m honestly relieved they still have such relatively innocent interests.

Reviewing episode by episode isn’t a problem if you’re actually paying attention. Others have already pointed out how the show explained why Annie and Owen were in each other’s experience, which the reviewer appeared to have completely missed.

The best thing about Nicholas Cage is that he knows just how “Nicholas Cage” he is and is just fine with that.

Somewhere, Billy Boyd sheds a lone tear...

Honestly, I’d say more like 1993. It’s something Edward Furlong would have killed in. Or not, it would probably still be terrible, but with 1993 Edward Furlong. 

“PG-rated family adventure.” This was my “wait, what?” moment. Why have a robot dog that can tear humans apart in a PG film? What a waste.

It’s fine to just not think the show is funny or point out tonal issues, script inconsistencies, etc. But I do agree that reviews like this seem to misunderstand or deliberately distort certain plot points, and that’s what I have a problem with.

I get the sense that more of us are creeping out of the woodwork after letting the furor die down.