
Who knew all you needed to win 19 Slams was gamesmanship and getting the crowd to motivate you.

Medvedev really shouldn’t have skipped taking those Pre-Nadal vitamins.

“Our primary responsibility is to do the work we’ve each been hired to do, not to spend working time on debates about non-work topics”

But in this case, Google is saying the same thing. Stop with political speech that in impacting your job.

Yeah, this is ridiculous. Google is huge and there is bound to be many people who have wildly different political ideologies from each other working there. Talking politics is bound to cause unnecessary tension and drama.  This is a perfectly reasonable policy.

Specific to this article, what’s so evil about telling your employees to stop bickering at the water cooler and get back to the job they’re paid to do?

Gizmodo is pushing this false narrative hard. It’s so “chilling” that an employer would ask their staff to focus on what their paid to do, not have political discussions. If you want to be an activist, awesome! Do it on your own time. If you want to spark up a light political debate, do it on your own time.

So basically like every other company in the known world. No company, period allows any type of discussion that would potentially put employees at odds with each other, and I know for a fact that bringing up any talking point, left or right, will pretty much get you a direct walk to the HR office at a normal company.

The article said the QB framed an innocent man. Roethlisberger isn’t bright enough to frame a photograph, let alone a human being for a crime.

I remember him not dying in 2005's Constantine. And electrocuting Keanu Reeves’ bare feet.

18 minute video? Yeah, no.

Fundraising has not declined because Wen was president. Fundraising has declined since Planned Parenthood appealed to Trump’s National Labor Relations Board to break up their unions in 2018, before Wen’s time. Sorry she couldn’t pull them out of that spectacular nosedive. They walked back from that move for the PR

I dunno what’s more depressing. That you researched and wrote this or that I read all of it. Bless you, Maria.

Kind of weird to repost some TMZ cell phone content about a person’s child as news.

Counterpoint: Blue Ivy is fine, and your feigned obsession with a child is idiotic and played out.

As someone pointed out to me on Reddit - the show was damned expensive. At $5 million per episode, it was tied with Boardwalk Empire for 22nd most expensive. 

Toronto beat them twice in the regular season, once in Oakland and once in Toronto. In the game in Oakland, Kawhi didn’t play, GSW had all their starters, and the Raptors held them to 93 points and won by double digits. It’s a very small sample size, but I think you’re downplaying Toronto.

I mean, sure, but should Toronto or their fans give a shit about that right now? Or ever?

And thus it begins.

Clearly, from left to right, they are: