Who knew all you needed to win 19 Slams was gamesmanship and getting the crowd to motivate you.
Who knew all you needed to win 19 Slams was gamesmanship and getting the crowd to motivate you.
Medvedev really shouldn’t have skipped taking those Pre-Nadal vitamins.
The article said the QB framed an innocent man. Roethlisberger isn’t bright enough to frame a photograph, let alone a human being for a crime.
18 minute video? Yeah, no.
Fundraising has not declined because Wen was president. Fundraising has declined since Planned Parenthood appealed to Trump’s National Labor Relations Board to break up their unions in 2018, before Wen’s time. Sorry she couldn’t pull them out of that spectacular nosedive. They walked back from that move for the PR…
I dunno what’s more depressing. That you researched and wrote this or that I read all of it. Bless you, Maria.
Kind of weird to repost some TMZ cell phone content about a person’s child as news.
Counterpoint: Blue Ivy is fine, and your feigned obsession with a child is idiotic and played out.
Toronto beat them twice in the regular season, once in Oakland and once in Toronto. In the game in Oakland, Kawhi didn’t play, GSW had all their starters, and the Raptors held them to 93 points and won by double digits. It’s a very small sample size, but I think you’re downplaying Toronto.
I mean, sure, but should Toronto or their fans give a shit about that right now? Or ever?
And thus it begins.
This seems like a strange story. She writes about multiple physical assaults, but Vanity Fair has an article that claims ‘her people’ then clarified that she wasn’t referring to on set or at work? The one ‘assault’ that is clarified was on a crew member who was playing with Harmon’s dog and was bitten. While it’s not…
And yet, when Michael Weatherly was accused of harassment, she backed him. I don’t get it.
I think it’s largely because it has nothing to do with us. I mean, I’m not particularly obsessed with them myself, but it’s like “look at this weird arcane shit our cousins across the pond do! How fancy and obsolete! We don’t have anybody wearing crowns, look at those sparkly crowns!” I think it’s the same impulse…
She also publicly defended Michael Weatherly claiming he was innocent even after news of the taped evidence of what he did to Eliza Dushku came out.CBS were so bad to Pauley that they gave her a new show which starts in the Fall
I think you’re reading too much into an isolated moment. They are wrangling three small children at an event where they know they’re on full display. And I wouldn’t expect them to be beaming at each other constantly like besotted newlyweds at this point. I’d hate to have my public interactions with my husband under…
Not just accused, but CONVICTED!! He was tried in court, found guilty, and sentenced. Then, in a deliberate miscarriage of justice, three completely separate men who were not present or knowledgeable of the original trial and seemed like they were armed only with the knowledge that a white man was being punished for…
Memo to the three idiot appellate judges: when a victim “freezes” during an assault, it’s part of the “fight or flight” mechanism. In fact, it’s no longer called“fight or flight” but “fight-flight-freeze.” Fight and flight is something everyone is familiar with, but when a victim freezes, it’s because their brain is…