
“Human Being Has Opinions: Splinter Dislikes”

But the thing the dumbasses here seem to not be able to grasp is they DID attempt to destroy Kavanaugh by releasing the letter and having Ford testify.

They didn’t sit idly by dummy.

Thank you, wish I could star this four times. I get so frustrated with the constant Schumer-is-a-boob articles that I see on here. Schumer has literally no tools he can use to accomplish what people are asking him to do. People could have voted in more democrat senators and given him the tools but they chose not to. So

In fact, the only reason that McCain voted the way he did was because McConnell and Ryan were circumventing the normal legislative process and not because of some moral belief in healthcare access or even as a “fuck you” to Trump. If those two held the proper hearings, McCain would have cheerfully voted to repeal the

The telling thing is that Krueger doesn’t even pretend to offer what Democrats should’ve done.

Unbelievable isn’t it?

“Kavanaugh’s confirmation, while always a long shot to prevent.”

Honestly, it seems like Schumer was engaging in the same sort of wishful thinking that a lot of people on the left were engaged in at the time, which is that the sheer weight of the allegations would sink Kavanaugh’s confirmation and that Trump and Republicans would move on from the toxic nominee simply as a matter of

Taking performance enhancing drugs absolutely creates an artificial biological advantage. PED’s in various forms increase strength, speed, growth recovery, endurance, etc.

I agree with you about the age and weight class. Those exist to try to “protect” “fair” competition amongst certain ages and sizes, as well as create additional levels of competition. So, it’s hard as a former HS athlete not to sigh and wonder if this really is harmful to the women’s field overall. She has low enough

Get out of here with your nuance! This article clearly states there is no grey area and we must choose sides!!!

He would have been arrested and charged with resisting arrest, because that’s what the cops do. Oh, he would have been on the ground and beat the hell out of too, that’s part of dealing with resisters.

Ain’t that some shit though, black people are the only ones expected to be calm and non-reactive when an armed thug and his gang buddies have you surrounded and are screaming in your face.

Nah. He know who he’s rolling with everyday. I bet he didn’t go back to the precinct and file a complaint about his coworker’s behavior. I bet he didn’t say shit.

We should all respect Telfer’s right to be whom she wants to be and live how she wants to live.

I am curious whether it is possible to have a good faith debate about this or, if it is so charged and everyone is so entrenched in their positions, if it isn’t.

I’m all for sticking it to hypocritical conservatives, and I’m all for leaving people the hell alone and letting them be whomever they feel they are. However, this relatively new dynamic of trans-women competing in women’s sports is pretty much the greyest of grey areas.

I wonder what happens if the situation is reversed and Dez says “Fuck you is my name”?

It’s syndicated; it aired this morning in one single place. In nearly all of the rest of the country it airs tonight. Dan knows this; all the writers know this, and I’m sure this was a decision discussed in their Slack. They just want to get to yell “NERDS!” at everyone who’s irritated with this.