
One of the two witnesses of this story who has come forward described the dog’s owner (the mother) as “adamantly” arguing with the flight attendant about placing the dog in the overhead container. The second witness (the witness who took a photo of the deceased dog) stated that the flight attendant assured the dog

Having kids doesn’t exonerate you from blame for stupid shit, but as I said, I only blame her approximately 52%.

Reading the book, or not, appears to be the difference between liking or disliking the film.

Coogler kind of reinforces the OPs point, since the CGI is Black Panther’s weakest aspect.

moved up at the best of Iron Man

Maybe. But I can certainly blame her for pretending she can be a moderating influence on her father.

“I’ll never talk!”

There are so many moving pieces in this investigation. Every person involved is a mess and a simpleton. For people who think that you have to be, like, really smart to get rich well, here’s your proof. So who was the real mastermind in all of this? I’m sure Trump knew and got updates on efforts, but he wasn’t

Nunberg’s been on Ari Melber’s MSNBC show a few times recently (there’s a sentence I never imagined I’d ever type at any time in my life). He’s entertaining but seems just unstable enough to have been welcomed into the Trump campaign.

Nunberg’s that gang member who loudly boasts that he’ll “never squeal” and “the cops won’t be able to beat it outta” him, to anyone who’ll listen, shortly before spilling his guts to the booking sergeant (who’d only asked for his name).

“What do you think Mueller is gonna do to me?”

“I came up with the wall, I came up with the Muslim ban, I came up with everything to attack Jeb Bush,” he told CNN’s Gloria Borger

Meanwhile, Stephen Miller is muttering about someone stealing his stapler and burning the place down.

“This tea is too hot,” Jared gripes to an empty room. “I’ll just let it sit here until it’s cooled,” he announces. The room responds with silence.

Jared Kushner strikes me as someone who will blankly stare at a wall once everyone else has left the room

When did anyone think they were savvy political operatives?

Willem Dafoe rushes the stage, yells, “WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO PLEASE YOU PEOPLE?” and activates his Green Goblin bombs.