
I think I can say with absolute certainty that Alan Moore’s feelings about this are anger and disgust as those are apparently the only feelings of which he is capable.  Unless “beardy” is a feeling, then I would imagine he is feeling exceptionally beardy about the whole thing.

How else am I supposed to learn about the hippest new restaurant in Frankfort, KY?

This is downright un-American! Everybody should know the legal and best way to buy favors is cold, hard cash (and/or future promises of more cash).

“Just because you forgot to charge your iPad doesn’t mean you can use mine. Read the in-flight magazine or something.”

Look, sometimes you finish your book a little early and none of the in-flight movies look interesting and you see something vaguely promising while flipping to the back to see the terminal map.  “Kevin Costner talking about his ranch in Wyoming . . . that’ll kill five minutes.”

Yeah, culture change is real. Remember that a mere 10 years ago, Vanessa Hudgens had to publicly apologize to keep her job with High School Musical for the audacity of getting her private nude photos hacked and leaked. That would never fly today, but 2007, it was kosher. Same thing with Kobe, and with domestic

I mean that’s shitty for sure, but did you see the one about the guy who was credibly accused of sexual assault and stands to be given a lifetime appointment to our nation’s highest court?

I admire your effort to try to find some sort of positive impact or silver lining in this particular moment. I’m not going to attack you like a few others have.

I admire your optimism, but this is the ultimate hollow gesture from Flake. The FBI won’t turn up anything disqualifying in a week, and the Republicans have made clear they’re not listening to any further allegations against Kavanaugh. Truth is, Kavanaugh is Flake’s ideal SCOTUS justice. He has no interest in blocking

McConnell isn’t bound by the 1-week delay. It’s a gentleman’s agreement. There’s probably a loophole in gentlemen’s agreements for the 2 weeks after the autumnal equinox in even numbered years when the Senate Majority is Republican and the leader is seated from the state of Kentucky.

Eh, you don’t even get a pat on the back for doing the bare minimum. I’ll just stand here silently; no praise and no disdain. 

counterpoint. he didn’t do shit. 

Flake could’ve voted no and kept it in committee with the same 1 week timetable, but he flaked out and sent it to McConnell.

Yeah, but Kavanaugh’s one supporter, who has his own past history of sexual assault, who matters the most, thought he did a great job and will make a bigly amazing justice.

Kavanaugh: The Clintons and liberals are in a giant conspiracy to destroy me, my career, and my family.

Baier and Wallace are the token “moderates.” Rest assured, Ingraham, Hannity, and Carlson will be demanding she and all the Senate Dems be executed for perjury later today.

I can’t believe a doctor molested hundreds of young women over a period of years with no one reporting it. Or a football coach who molested a horrific amount of young men who somehow never got in trouble. Or literally hundreds of catholic priests getting away with molestation and the church helping them with their

I’m still getting used to hearing him blame someone other than Obama.

Trump is going to announce it was Rod Rosenstein.

I’m white. You would not believe the racist, sexist, homophobic shit I’ve heard while in liberal enclaves in Vermont. Then again, I’m sure you actually would.I think it’s “good” white people who wouldn’t believe it.