
I’m so glad she hired Avenatti. The only way to fight assholes is with an asshole. And my god Avenatti is an asshole. Go get ‘em girl.

Ha ha yes, imagine delaying a Supreme Court nomination into the next year!  To think of such a thing!

Kavanaugh coached his daughter’s basketball team so this isn’t possible, sorry.

We’ve reached out to both the White House and Mark Judge’s attorney for comment, and will update with any response we receive.

Avenatti is genuinely confounding to me. Like, he’s obviously a huckster, but he also seems to deliver. (This is not, under any circumstances, an endorsement of his personality or tactics.)

I’m sick and fucking tired of perfect being the enemy of good.

Like I said, it wouldn’t matter if Kavanaugh went to the National Archives, dropped trow, and took a literal shit on the Constitution and wiped with the American flag. It wouldn’t matter if he showed up on Thursday in Klan robes. It wouldn’t matter if he sent a dick pic to Diane Feinstein. Trump NEEDS Kavanaugh

“Well there were ten of us, so I only lost 1/10 of my virginity, and I rounded down for the Fox interview."

Something something Obama something something.

So is he helping now?

I think you mean “she” in your title ... unless the title is referring to another witness other than Mark Judge

The ‘“Beach Week” was Bible study’ argument just got obliterated about an hour after they tried it.

“Has long worked with a number of federal agencies, including the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, and currently holds an active clearance with the Treasury Department.”

At a certain point you really have to be impressed at the right’s inability to field politicians who haven’t committed heinous crimes in the past.

Nope. We tried ignoring Trump, and look what happened. 

All responses to anything she says, ever, should begin with “Listen, bitch...”

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a