
or, like, people with children? people with familial bonds and healthy emotional relationships? People who don’t post stupid fucking comments on nerd blogs?

She does tacky shit ALL THE TIME but I feel like no one should stop her because she’s having so much fun.

The only thing celebrities line up for, in my opinion, is a job that includes a lot of promotional work. I’ve seen lots of famous people but wouldn’t have dreamt of even asking for an autograph unless they were at an event where that was expected much less followed them to get their picture. This is not okay and I

I got distinct Adam Sandler vibes off him, in the best way. This whole episode was golden. The 80s were a weird time. I personally knew a couple houses that had that wall-of-mirrors thing going on. Their set dressers were spot-on too. (I’m just not sure about the car chirping at them to put on seat belts. I think that

Also, in the spirit of updates, can I add that maybe this was a bad story to approach with a light tone? Even before the update, it’s still a story about a pregnant woman allegedly being poisoned by an angry ex to shut her up.

This show is absolutely gonzo, and could be incredibly off-putting if it was handled so deftly in it’s writing, acting, and directing.

Exactly. A lot of mouthbreathers in the greys do not understand that multiple things can be true. I’m disappointed that Hillary didn’t run a more savvy campaign, but if we’re talking about anger, I’m angry that our electorate is too fucking stupid to vote for a guy based on how often he comes to town. That’s bigger

You seem to have missed the huge detail that Nan’s future grandson is the guy who crashed into Annie’s car (it also explains his middle name - she said it is going to be ‘Fuck you Nan’ i.e. F.U.N.)

This. And a hundred times truer now. After seeing Trump’s true colors for two years now, if there is a demographic that thinks Trump has any handle on policy or any agenda except feeding his insecure ego, screw them as they cannot be reasoned with. They are pathetic and deserve what comes to them.

volleyed Clinton back, exhibiting some of the game humor that—not to pile on—might have served her campaign a little better’

I love relitigating 2016. There’s no downside to arguing over the past. So much less risk than figuring out how to win in 2018.  Let’s keep this up forever. 

You know what should get said more though? Fuck people in the rust belt. Fuck them. Both she and Donnie campaigned for two fucking years, and they’re going to base their vote on who flew into town more often? That’s how you vote? Based on who visited you, instead of some other Americans. You didn’t have all the

Stein voters, Bernie Bros, Trump voters are all cut from the same cloth - what I want and what benefits me is the simple solution to fixing everything and f*ck everyone else. Anyone who dares suggest the world is complicated, solutions must be implemented with care and listening to other people - will slandered and

Or it means the other 3 siblings are massive assholes too.

Wow. That's an oddly fleshed-out and entirely worrying scenario there, QVCK  

And, as Albert later pointed out, the GOP fell in line once they figured they could get Trump to save them some money. It is only about owning the libs and giving more power and wealth to rich white dudes. That’s the policy of the party. 

I’d say it became clear when this buffoon, who had taken steaming shits on every single major Republican power player, had them all telling him how damn tasty his shit was after he won.

What the American right wants, what it’s after, isn’t some abstract pluralist success, like the smooth functioning of government and/or the material improvement of American life. It wants, only and entirely, to defeat its opponents.

THANK YOU. Well done. I too found the outrage about this a bit wearisome. Can we not pick our battles? Also this happens every fucking year, and Halloween is hardly a reverent holiday. At least in its current consumerist form.