
I read an article a while ago about two men losing a suit they filed against a police department. The reason they weren’t accepted? Their test scores were too high. And they lost. The reasoning was that those with high scores wouldn’t be satisfied in the job and move on before too long. So...yeah.

I saw this yesterday, chuckled, said “Man, that’s dumb.” and went about my day. It’s nice to see many others on this thread had the same reaction. 

They didn’t ignore feedback. Netflix looked beyond critical reviews and accounted for the positive audience scores backed up by strong streaming numbers, which also counts as feedback.

Looks like a nice future addition to the Netflix Blu-Ray queue. Yes, I’m one of the people who still get the discs.

Well, reading further about this, it seems he doesn’t actually believe people with Down’s Syndrome lack sensitivity and is just trolling.  

I didn’t know it was part of a bit. That does add some much-needed context for me.

I was pretty whatever about his remarks yesterday. It didn’t seem worth canceling his Tonight Show appearance over just because he wanted to stick up for his idiot friends. The Down Syndrome remark bothers me a lot more. That concludes my caring about anything to do with Norm MacDonald since...ever.

This book helped me convey the more awkward topics about what was going to happen to her body to my then 9-year old niece of whom I have custody. I will forever be grateful to this book and its sequel.

So Supernatural got it right?

I don’t agree at all.

You should see what looks like a sideways butterfly in your extensions at the top. Just click it and hit “Pause KinjaImprove”.

As someone up thread pointed out, that seems to be the lens a lot of people are using to view any form of entertainment.

At the risk of opening a can of worms, I feel like that’s what happened with reviews of Insatiable. The show has problems, but it isn’t what I’ve been reading about. And critics constantly compare it to shows it’s not even pretending it’s trying to be.

Yep, I ended up having to turn it off to see them.

No. Unfortunately, many left-wingers are doing their best to be as annoying as any right-winger when it comes to things like this.

A better version of Paul Rudd? Impossible!

As a connoisseur of way too many crappy reality shows, I object to this guy being referred to in the press as a “Vanderpump Rules” star. He was in the background of one or two episodes a few years ago, that’s it.

“In the remake, he just negs her until she falls in love with him.”

I had just gone and bought two boxes of the Ritz Bitz cheese crackers when I saw this recall on the news. And now I only have one box...

I’m pretty sure she hadn’t just given birth when they announced their divorce.