
He was fired from Community because of his behavior. His apology for the sexual harassment that got him fired came years afterward but he’s now publicly acknowledged that was the issue when he could have let the idea that it was his feud with Chevy Chase continue. That’s been, he says, part of a journey that been

This is a weird hill to die on, just saying. ;)

How many people does it take to go to TJ Maxx and copy what you find?

Enough of this bullshit. Cernovich is playing you. Don’t let him. He doesn’t care about James Gunn or Dan Harmon or Michael Ian Black or any of the other people he’s trying to drag. He wants the #metoo movement to devour itself and he wants to defend trumpm

its an attempt to shrink or eliminate the spectrum of offensiveness and outrage, where a ridiculously ill-conceived attempt at comedy is precisely the same as a president who brags about sexual assault.

Is this really an issue? Comedians push boundaries in a lot of ways. I won’t defend the content of his post. The title alone is enough to repulse me-let alone the gag-inducing description in the article. But at least he recognized how offensive it was right away and removed it from the Internet.

As a liberal, it’s really upsetting to see other liberals fall for this tactic. Liberals are easily distracted by fake outrage, and Nazis like Cernovich know this, and they’re using it against us, and it’s working. Because rather than fighting against racist pricks like him, we’re now busy combing through tweets, and

Roseanne got fired over ONE tweet. Gunn was on the condemnation bandwagon himself. How is ONE tweet versus 10,000 so horrible that her ENTIRE LIFE was leveled? Liberals also SPIT at her afterwards telling her to go away. Now we are supposed to be kind and loving to this man? What hypocrisy on the left is this? –

To clarify, the racist should have died.

At least someone stood up. Its better than what happens a lot of the times. Rather live in that world than the one where nobody has the courage to do the right thing. Of course, would have been better if he had not gone out. If you know what the world is filled with, you also know what will happen when you confront a

It’s just extra bullshit that some guy who apparently lead his life trying to do the right thing, and was a new dad, got killed by this little shit stain, who probably contributed nothing but expense to others. 

Gunn apologized years ago. Roseanne is STILL doubling down on it even after being fired. The difference isn’t subtle.

Why shouldn’t Gunn have been hired in the first place? They hired him to write and direct a movie, and he made a good one. He’s got no history of harassing or abusing others that would make him a danger on set, and it seems like he had already made an apology in 2012 for shit posting.

“Why did your employee @JamesGunn delete this tweet about a pedophile tree?” Posobiec asked Disney, attaching an image of a 2011 tweet from Gunn joking about the ending to “The Giving Tree.”

Eh, I disagree. He had already given the front-row kid a ball, and so he gave this ball to another kid who (presumably) hadn’t gotten one. That seems to me like the good and just thing to do.

Geniune question - how did Amy Poehler fail him?

This has gotten so out of hand in recent years that it’s always going to earn this immediate reaction. Also I remember seeing a kid get booed for not throwing back a visiting team home run ball (an obnoxious “tradition” spreading like a disease) before ultimately doing so while tears poured down his face.

I don’t think we have to worry much about people jumping all over this Cubs fan for grabbing a ball. Not like there’s a history of Cubs fans lives being completely and utterly ruined over something as silly as a ball.

Drunk racists with guns.”

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”