
I split my time between Investigation Discovery, the NFL Network, and MSNBC in the evenings.

Did she really? Honestly, her reaction was the one I cared about. I was a little quesy about people bringing up her politics.

Apparently now you can block people here with the new KinjaImprove update. Or maybe you could before and I only now just realized I could. Anyways, it’s awesome!

Well, I’d never heard of him before today, but I hate to see someone so young die. It doesn’t appear that he was a complete asshole or anything. 

I’m wondering if another shoe’s about to drop with this situation. When I do a search, the last update is that they were doing an investigation into the claim made against him. It might not be going well.

Finally! At least now I won’t have to pull into the drive-thru at my local McDonalds with false hope. Sometimes I just want hot fries and a caramel sundae, yet get my hopes dashed when the disembodied voice tells me the machine is “broken” yet again.

I disagree completely. Besides, the abrupt offing of the Warriors 3 and Thor losing his eye more than satisfied any need I had for unexpected reveals. And I genuinely didn’t see the ending coming, though the way the movie set up had it make sense.

See, at that point I was thinking that something really bad must be coming up, so I was fine with taking a break before diving into what was next.

Huh, I watched the whole series straight through over the weekend, and simply saw it as a tension-breaker. It didn’t really bother me much, other than the acting being meh. I would say I’m surprised by the freak-out over it, but it’s the internet, so...

It’s also harder to cram an 11-year old into a teenage love triangle.

Sounds good to me!

Ugh, February’s such a long way from now. Well, at least there’s Thor to tide me over.

I can’t imagine what it’s been like for her dealing with this all of these years. The emotions must be overwhelming.

The accusations were dismissed against Bryan Singer due to lack of evidence. Two of the other men accused by the same person won civil judgments from the accuser’s lawyers after they stated that he’d made everything up. The accuser also had his own issues. I don’t think Kinja likes links, but you can google Bryan

What’s sad is that it took me a minute to figure out if you were serious or not.

On another note, the FBI counterterrorism unit has come up with the label “black identity extremism” for groups like BLM and any others that dare to push the idea that maybe cops shouldn’t be shooting unarmed black folks.

It shows you how bad it was that the only way to make it seem slightly less terrible is to compare it to Batman vs. Superman.

I knew from the reactions that it would be bad. They still didn’t prepare me for what I read. I didn’t make it past the first few sentences. What in the actual fuck?

I think “everything” just about covers it.

Well, that was supposed to be a reply to Xanderpuss. We’re still blaming Kinja for everything, right?