

Now I’m sad that this will probably never happen.

It just completely misses the mark. As someone who’s reluctantly sung along to a TSwift song or two, this is genuinely bad.

Thanks to your post, I actually went and looked up exactly who Avenged Sevenfold were and...I wish I hadn’t.

At least you’re here! *Sobs*

I hate Kinja and Nazis.

Yay, I guess. Also, this is all terrible.

"Newsweek points out that it’s not totally clear what that means, but it seems safe to assume that an online anti-Muslim rally will look a lot like posting racist memes on Reddit, saying stupid shit in Breitbart comments, and getting into arguments with strangers on Twitter. "

I was afraid that this would be canceled after the first season, so this surviving until Season 3 is thrilling. I love this show.

Actually, there was a second vote on the bill he vowed to vote against. 9 additional Republicans defected. McCain wasn't one of them.

A Wickiverse, if you will? Eh? Eh?

When I went on vacation a few weeks ago, the wifi was spotty, so I was cut off from the internet, plus actually going out and enjoying doing things, so I was completely out of the loop. I didn't realize how good it was until I came back and fired up the computer and saw that the Trump shit-show had continued unabated.

I bit my tongue when he was diagnosed, because cancer truly sucks. But if he does vote for any of the variations of the shit that the Republicans call healthcare legislation, then I hope the cancer eats his eyes. And if it's not the type of cancer that does that, I hope it turns into that kind, because fuck him.

I guess I should have been more patient. Raven Metzger is taking over for season two.

I'd have been happier if they'd also announced a new showrunner.

Well, I WAS a fan, at least of their first two albums. I lost track of them over the years, but I always checked on them from time to time to make sure that something just like this hadn't happened. Crap. This just makes me so sad, he was only 41. I'm sorry that he wasn't able to find a way back and that he found

Don't ruin a Keanu article with Trump. I came in here to get over my sadness about Chester Bennington.

There have been some mean fat jokes in this thead.

Maybe his wife does, I guess? That might be more like disgusted pity, I don't know.

So, you wrote that, and it actually made sense to you, huh?