
I wouldn't say I knew them, more like heard them bragging about having seen it. And sadly, at the time you would have people at any time selling a copy in the local barbershop or hair salon.

I didn't know about that, and now I do, which makes my day a little worse. So thanks for that.

You don't say? I'm shocked, SHOCKED to read about these sort of shenanigans from him.

I remember him being pretty bad on Hemlock Grove? Apparently he's learned to act, maybe?

I don't think I'll ever recover from how much he seemed to love the TV adaption of Under The Dome. I mean, it's not like the book was a masterpiece, but the TV show introduced new levels of terrible. And he wrote some of it!


For me, it was one thing to pile on Zach Snyder based on my opinions about his movies and directing style. But to joke about his daughter's suicide in the wake of that just seemed unnecessarily mean. Fair, unfair, hypocritical? Maybe. I mean, let me hear something about Eric Trump jumping off of a building, and I

This pleases me, but then I remember how that fucker Cheney is still rattling around.

Oh ferchristsakes, I JUST saw that "America First" ad that the republicans have been running that rails against the media and boosts Trump. I think, for today, I just give up.

This is why I don't think that the odious healthcare bill that they are passing will hurt them in 2018. There are rational arguments as to why it SHOULD, but you see shit like this and you have to remember, they aren't rational. At all.


So poop would just be sitting underneath your house for a week?

It really is. Having never dealt with kids before my nephew was born, I wasn't prepared to deal with that stage between pampers and underwear.

I'm game as long as they don't shove in an immediate love triangle in the first episode. Honestly, the main reason I despised Bloodlines (among many others) is that it seemed like an excuse to add in all of the standard network drama that Supernatural does avoid more than most others.

Season 10 for some reason was the hardest for me to get through, even more than Season 6. Admittedly, I don't hold Season 1-5 in the same hallowed light as most of the fandom. Quite frankly, I'm completely thrilled that it didn't end the way Kripke envisioned it.

Neither can I. I never understood how that came to be a test for sobriety.

He'd be a perfect Jared Kushner in the Trump family biopic.

Whenever I think that people are too hard on Miles Teller, and that he can't be THAT big of a douche, stories like this emerge and remind me that yes, yes he can be.

With his brother Larry and his other brother Darryl?

Or how Charles, one of the most powerful mutants ever, somehow gets kidnapped or incapacitated for half of the movie.