
Honestly, I still have some fondness for the first one, primarily for that moment when I saw Optimus Prime "live" for the first time. I'll sit through the movie if it's on just for that moment.

Phelps sincerely wants to get people to be interested in swimming in non-Olympics years (hahahaha), so he does stuff like this from time to time to drum up interest in the sport.

Nope, they actually have a current hit, so yeah.


Eh..no to all of this? Chris Pine was perfectly fine, but the whole romance was pretty pedestrian, and I just patiently waited through those scenes until we got to stuff that was actually interesting.

Hey now, I know I can't do without updates about this band I didn't know existed a month ago.

Yeah, I'm genuinely shocked to see Taye Diggs and Julie Benz listed here. I mean, they still have real agents and everything, right?

Hey, Taye Diggs is doing stuff…right?

I thought he slapped her?

I remember that she had a twin, and that I hated Matt and Kaia for being smug and insufferable. Then Kaia developed a crush on Matt during the last episode, and it was all very strange.

So two drunk contestants allegedly hooked up? Isn't this what they want to happen on this type of show?

Yes, countless whiffs at other attempts at a shared universe shows that Marvel's streak is a lot more than just luck, no matter how you may feel about the films themselves. Even Iron Man 2 and Thor:TDW are watchable, and I'd consider those the "worst" of what Marvel has put out.

I'm for anything that includes more Paul Bettany.

The Fantastic Four reboot begs to differ.

Post-meltdown Cruise has been fairly tolerable. As Tony Stark, though, yeah, the whole thing would have crashed and burned by now.

Dang it, if you're going to create a cash-grab "universe", can you at least let the movies be competently made?

Okay, then.

I can't say that I need to see any actor's privates on screen. I'm sure lovers of 80's comedies will disagree, but I can't think of when seeing topless women on screen contributed to the integrity of a scene. I don't see men's junk contributing in any significant way, either.

Eh, keep them wrapped up. 90% of the time the reality of them just elicits general disappointment (just like real life, amirite ladies, fellas?).

You say that like someone with no concept of how precious those five seconds are.