
Inhumans does not seem very promising, either.

I've contracted my second severe URI in less than six months and am awake after being passed out in a drug-induced coma all afternoon. So this was welcome.

IMO Winn's been great since they freed him of his crush on Kara. I don't even notice that James is missing from an episode unless I read a recap where someone mentions it.

I didn't mind Mon-El that much, mainly because I felt that the actor did the absolute best he could with what he was given. I do agree that less focus on romantic relationships all-around would be very welcome.

I think Jared Padalecki just yells at various airlines on twitter.

A FOX NEWS CREW is backing up Jacobs' account.

It definitely makes sense now.

My sources? Sean Hannity and Alex Jones. What more credibility do you need than that?

Clearly a reproduction by the Obama shadow government sound department.

Typical lying media doesn't even mention that the reporter came after Gianforte with a chair first.

Yes, you CAN not watch. You CAN look away. You just don't want to. ADMIT IT!!!!!****

Nicole Scherzinger is in this? Well, that makes this whole thing…still terrible. I just didn't know that.

I was like "How bad could it be?", then like you I googled and was like O_o.

Soylent Green is people.

Ok, I just read another article where she said that he apparently contacted her little sister to get his money, so he moves ahead in the dick category.

I've never supported the actions of either, and disagree that either had any good intentions, so I'm fine with labeling both of them spiteful creeps.

Basically, "What a dick!" applies to everyone involved. Moreso the texter, though.

I was off the stuff for YEARS until this presidency. Now I've slipped into watching the MSNBC nightly lineup. Except Chris Hayes and Tweety, I can't handle them.

I don't think there is any paper. They just use puppets.

I just came home from working out and feeling pretty good because I'm really starting to see some results, and log on to find out that Trump's spilling classified info to Russia. Jesus H. Christ on a cracker, can I have just ONE week where this idiot isn't fucking it up for everyone?