
Well, thanks for putting that thought into my head!

GodDAMNIT! First Bill Paxton, and now Powers Booth. Why is the universe intent on killing off my fave older character actors this year?

Damn straight. It helps that the leads are aging beautifully (shallow) but I still get a lot of enjoyment out of the show.

I thought I was the only one that far behind.

I was trying to be classy, but yeah, that's what I would do.

Naval Reserve = Hiding out in his bathtub sobbing over a glass of boxed wine.

I think Barron might be a more coherent spokesperson than both of them at this point.

I just found out they existed yesterday (right here at the AV Club!) so…I guess?

I actually reread the first three books about a year ago, so I'm looking forward to this.

You don't? Who else is going to fetch your drinks from the fridge?

I'm having a really hard time keeping up with all of the fuck-ups just from TODAY! Can he slow this down a little bit? Save some of this for the next news cycle, I have a day job, damnit.

Thanks, that cleared everything up.

I'm afraid of what google might show me, so what exactly is an "otter" in the sense that you're referring to?

I agree.

I know, I'm sitting here like "What is this?".

Damn it, I enjoyed this. And I didn't think either band was all that bad. COME AT ME, BRO!

I'll never forget that Kentucky voters, who benefited greatly from Obamacare, voted for a governor who ran on getting rid of it. That's all you need to know about Republican voters.

Yeah, as bad as I felt about his son, at this point he sort of lost me, because until people aren't afraid to just say that yes, it's one side in particular that is horrible, then they ultimately just feed the "both sides" bullshit that the media likes to promote.

Alt-right filth doesn't die, it…well, it just doesn't.

After the 2020 election when he wins by 4 percentage points.