
This will all be forgotten when he bombs Canada. Then he will truly become president.

I thought it was Demon-rat?

I don't think that most hackers give a shit.

You'd have to have an independent government body willing to push it. Right now we don't have that. He's openly doing wrong shit, yet our media is more interested in the sideshow, and we know the Republicans will do fuck all to issue any subpoenas.

I didn't know that this was a thing that was happening. Well, I guess it isn't anymore.

I passed on the min-movie, but yeah. I think I was only hanging on to see if they would finally kill Emma and Noah. I really, really disliked them.


I know, I live in Florida. Enough said.

I have no tears left.

That subplot made me never want to see the movie again. That plus the ending (not McAvoy's) just pissed me off at the idea that she might still end up in the exact same situation.

Her hat seems sinful, like she might attend a non-Christian music festival or something.

I really like that you focused primarily on HIS life.

Every time I start to think that maybe we should have gone a little easier on Jeb!, considering the current outcome, I remember this moment and think "Haha, nah, fuck that guy."

In other news, the Repubs are trying to get another vote on repealing the ACA next week so that Trump can say he accomplished something in his first 100 days. Get to a town hall if one is in your area.

Wait, who the heck are any of these peo— *Sees that they're Canadian musicians* — oh, carry on.

Ugh, but they HURT!

To top off the weirdness, Massachusetts recognizes an obscure law that will allow his conviction to be vacated as if it never happened since he was appealing at the time of his death.

To be fair, Suicide Squad wasn't a bomb financially, but just really, really terrible.

I'm 50/50 on this. Part of me is like "It's Disney live-action, how can it fail?", while the other part is "So this is what will bring about its ruin!".