
Aging up the leads? I should have figured that when I saw this was from the Teen Wolf guy. And I guess they were going to ignore the whole thing about Eli being a castrated boy.

Well, what else where they supposed to do? Actually have them do really bad things? Introduce the characters in an organic way in previous movies so that you knew what they were capable of?

Sadly, I only just got that when you posted.

Plus The Rock healing in a day or two from a broken arm, and shattering his cast while uttering "Daddy's gotta go to work".

It felt like an actual gut punch to read this. I'm glad he was able to carve out a niche in his own right, and he was hilarious in everything I saw him in, including on a comedy tour a few years ago.

Thank you. It's amazing the amnesia going on. Also don't forget that outside of France, most of our allies had no stomach for another international intervention. So since he couldn't get legal authority to do so, he worked with the UN to their team do what they could to destroy what chemical weapons that they could

I'll admit it, I was a little surprised. Then again, I never cared enough to wonder. He's what led to Angel's performance of "Mandy", so there is that. Good for him, I'm glad he's in a good place with everything.

Exactly. We saw this sort of hemming and hawing before the election, yet these same types still cast their vote for them, and I simply have no reason to not believe that they will hold their nose and do the same in 2018 by using some sort of BS justification for it.

Until you mentioned this, I forgot I knew this. And now, I can't get it out of my head. So thanks for that.

This is on Netflix at the moment. I bit the bullet on this one and, well, it was a movie that I watched.

Ugh, that picture makes me feel like he's right there trying to put his hand up my skirt.

You know, I read that book as a kid, and somehow that completely went over my head and I didn't remember it at all. Suffice to say I was quite shocked when I re-read it as an adult. I hope that's one element that they continue to leave out. Just get sepsis by exchanging blood or something.

Don't worry, I'm sure that some common cause will bring them all together again.

On one hand, I can understand how it must have hurt to be released from the show. She was a dark-skinned black actress in the 80's and early 90's, and I can bet that she dealt with a lot, so to lose a steady network gig must have been devastating.

And to go all the way back into the early aughts for you, pwn3d!

Well, it was good of them to release a teaser that clarified that, yes, this will at a minimum be as dull as BvS was.

Zack Snyder would find a way.

Yeah, I face-palmed at that one.

And even with the dumb decisions, it kind of makes sense for the character, though I know it can be frustrating to watch. It pisses me off more to see Oliver Queen make dumb decisions, because he's been doing the shit for too long to make the decisions those writers have him making.