
Different strokes. I think he's been great.

"I love that Iron Fist doesn't have a 'don't tell Iris' mentality about being a mystic warrior. In ep 1 he tells a homeless man he just met. He tells his shrink. He tells everyone. He's gonna get it on a tee shirt."

Yeah, that comparison is just..not accurate at all. I kind of gave up on the review at that point, and may just do the "skip to the comments" thing for future ones.

So far I haven't seen an episode that I would rate below a B through episode 6, and each episode feels shorter than 50-60 minutes. There's not even a character where I'm rolling my eye and going "Ugh, this person" when they appear on screen. It also pleases me that Joy and Ward can't be fit so neatly into a good/bad

Given that I hated the choreographed dancing that passed for fighting on Arrow for Season 3 and 4, I really didn't expect to love Danny Rand's fluid style as much as I do, but it really distinguishes him, and it helps that it's clear that he's not exerting himself, which makes me excited for when I get to the episodes

There's also the fact that he was homeschooled and seemed to only be friends with Ward and Joy.

Well, I'll come sit by you, because I completely agree. About 10 minutes in I gauged his behavior as a guy who in many ways was still the 10-year old who crashed, and naively thought that he could just return. And to me, the pacing reminded me of the first season of Bloodline, except that Danny was actually a guy

I remember that I went on twitter and saw her name trending as a topic, and got QUITE an eyeful immediately. I really felt awful for her, yet I did a mental check of her boobs against mine, and was quite cheered by the fact that mine are still in about the same place. I'm always torn between the disgust at what


So YOU were the other person there…

*Sigh* Why is it never Dick Cheney?

I probably liked the second half of Luke Cage better than you did, as Diamondback's ridiculousness was pretty amusing to me. The finale was pretty disappointing, though. I mean, as long as we're not talking "The Cape" levels of bad, it'll do.

I only need it to be decent, as I really just want the Defenders to get here already. The white hero thing doesn't bother me; however, it does sound like it's disappointingly boring. I had no idea that the guy from Dexter was involved in this, so that does give me pause.

That's all I know her from prior to getting this role.

I'll be honest, I never put that together.


The problem is that he's lost 11% of the 18-49 demo since January.

It was as liberal as the 60th Dem vote in the 2009 caucus allowed it to be. The real hindrance back then was not Republicans, but the death of Ted Kennedy and having Dems like Evan Bayh, Blanche Lincoln, and Ben Nelson to appease since no Republican would vote for it. There was also the time crunch of trying to pass

Right now there are enough Republican senators who will (allegedly) vote against this plan, so that it could not even get through reconciliation. So our fate depends on the determination of Republican senators to do the right thing.

Does he need money or something?