
After recent events, I needed this! As many mental distractions as possible, plz.

There was an article on the AOL homepage today (I still have an AOL email, yes, get over it!) about Trump supporters who are proud of everything that he's done. I used to wonder how they could sustain so much rage over so much time, but after reading that article, along with the past eight days of the Pee-Pee Hooker

From the promo clips of La La Land that I've seen, it appears that the character played by Ryan Gosling is supposed to be charming. Which, again, makes me wonder why they would have even considered Miles Teller to begin with.

So…it's not terrible and pretty decent? For a horror comedy, that's good enough for me! Most of them are…not great.

Plus he downgraded the roles of the Joint Chiefs.

Or even worse, taking a creative writing class?!? What, you think you can create entertainment better than what the TV gives us?

It's a tall order, but there's a chance to at least cut his legs out from under him in 2018.

I don't know what it says that I'm really unconcerned about a kid starting a fire, and only care that he was dumb enough to admit it on TV.

You poor bastard.

Poor guy, I actually had to add "hockey" to his name spelling on google to get anything back on him. Even that spelling only came up with Jim "Carrey" results.

I made it a point to not watch that. Jim Carey had become creepy enough in my mind.

I was going to object to this, but looked up her age on IMDB and realized that she's nearly 30, ew. I assume her body parts will be used to nourish a new Disney prodigy.

I have to ask, is your user name a lament, or a cry of relief?

I read a response that insisted that "plenty of video" existed of Trump doing this exact same thing to mock normal people. I didn't see how that made things better, but radio silence when I asked for videos to get the context of them.

"In the same article, he bragged about how his inauguration will have “plenty of movie and entertainment stars.” "

They know that they are computers. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

LOL. They're rick-rolling each other now. I only intended to watch for a few minutes.

They're now arguing about who loves who. I swear I've heard this same conversation between couples I know.

I expect the first season to be good, then fall down upon itself in subsequent seasons.

Quincy Jones is also not attending an inauguration party for Donald Trump. I'm so glad, I was seriously like "WTF, Quincy?!?" when I heard that earlier today.