
His "clarification" is exactly how I interpreted his original comments, so it was really surprising to see so many headlines about how he was "quitting" acting.

True crime shows are my go-to for background noise while working at home. And while I'm on the internet. Honestly, I'm watching Snapped now. I may change it when the Monday Night Football game comes on. Maybe.

I will still happily watch a marathon of 10-year old Forensic Files episodes, so I think your wife is my type of people.

Deadline articles routinely get linked to sites like Drudge, and unfortunately the commentary has really gone downhill. Pretty much anything to do with a pay raise for an actress or unions are pretty unreadable. Actually, even the regular box office postings get infected by people bleating that various movies are

As always, it's a matter of perspective. To me, what you are describing still sounds like exactly what I detest about how these things are depicted.

I only read about those episodes, and remember being rather horrified by it, and a little bothered by how people were going on and on about how great they were. Just from my surface appraisal, it came off like those awful hurt/comfort fanfics where someone gets raped and tortured, and then it's depicted as romantic

Wow, that's a terrible picture of Damien Lewis!

Ha, yes, thanks for the catch.

When the prequels came out, I had never seen any of the Star Wars movies, and figured it would be fine since these were supposed to be before those anyways. Sitting through The Phantom Menace, to this day, still rates as one of the worst movie-going experiences of my life. I tried Attack Of The Clones when it came on

Wooden pallets, at that.

Eh, I can think of a few people who do…

He was hilarious in Sisters as well.

I think he's talking about the movie with James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe that most people ignored last year.

Apparently she was someone whose white parents were killed, and then she was raised by a mystical witch woman of an African tribe (IMDB).

There was a Sheena TV series?

I'm going on the vague memories of a young me seeing this on HBO in the 90's, but I didn't think anyone ended up "ruling"? I remember that everything turned all white, and all the ugly beings melded into bright light things, and whatnot.

We had a goldfish whose eyes got so infected that they swelled out of the side of its head and actually started falling off. This reminds me of that. No thanks.

I threw a slumber party to celebrate my 10 year old niece's birthday, and we ended up with seven girls overall, along with my nephew and a few adults. There was twister, karaoke, fake hair, makeup, nails, and pictures. Lots and lots of pictures.

Sadly, Buzzfeed did a better job this cycle than most of the traditional media outlets.

You know how a lot of people in our country are kind of terrible, and how our media in general completely failed to be informative and knowledgeable?