
Oh, ok, you guys are talking here. Cool.

Really, I can do it through one of my smart tv's, my tablet, my phone, or my Blu-Ray player.

Well, there was an update on Jerry in 2015 from the woman who played his mom:

Well, there was an update on Jerry in 2015 from the woman who played his mom:

"keep an eye on your Samsung TV"

I hated the first fifteen minutes or so, and was about to bail out until the scene where he discovered he had cancer. After that it improved immensely.

I thought it was just the impact of the first time I watched it, so I've seen it several more times this week, and I get the giggles every time. And I agree with another comment, the skeletons need more props.

I did like the first two seasons of Veronica Mars, bailed mid-way through the third season out of boredom and hatred of Logan.

I watched mainly because I knew David Anders was in it, but he wasn't enough for me to overcome my instant dislike for the lead character, which I couldn't get past.

Fun fact: I disliked iZombie and quit after three episodes.

I won't pretend that I was all-knowing when I quit in S2, but even then I did get the sense that there was no real plan for what was happening.

I'm one of those who got out early, in Season 2. The zombie hoards got boring to me fairly quickly, I was over all of the drama with Lori, Rick, and Shane, and I didn't care enough about any of the characters to watch week in and week out. I do still read the season opening and closing recaps just to see if there's a

I agree. Honestly, I didn't need Luke Cage to be the most interesting part of the show. He was a great hero, and I liked that he was unambiguously good.

I ended up really enjoying Shades, and your post encapsulates why exactly. He consistently made sense and tried to be rational, and ended up almost getting killed because of it.

I'm going to look at the Pixel as well. I figure if Samsung gets their act together and deliver a great Note 8, I can give the Pixel to someone next year. First world problems, indeed.

Well, I carry a purse, and I will cut someone over my still-great Note 4. I just like having a big screen to look at, and I actually use and love my S-pen. This is really disappointing to me, because I was finally ready to potentially upgrade. Maybe now Samsung will go back to replaceable batteries, which is what had

Needs moar Bret Mckenzie.

Can we just please stop with this?!?

I'm able to fake it for my job, does that count?

So am I here in Jacksonville. Luckily it's taken a slight shift to the east at the last update, so Northeast Florida might not fare as badly.