
I figured he was a goner when we got his origin story in this episode.

I can't remember what happened to Hammer in IM2, but maybe they have new management who doesn't manufacture crap weapons..?

To add, we had a handful of conservative Democratic senators who were just as against extra spending as any Republican and were dragging their feet as well. Blanche Lincoln, I do not miss you at all.

I took the kids to see Suicide Squad. It was either that or Storks, and hell no to that! It was more watchable than BvS, so..yay?

Awww, MTV thinks it still matters. Other than Teen Wolf, there's not much left to it.

Yeah, I read this and thought, "This seems appropriate."

Same here. It's useful for signing up to things. I'll also admit to having the same AOL email account since 1997.

Speaking of, do they still drag him out for the VMA Awards? Or have they finally placed him and John Norris in amber sealed in glass, to be preserved as a reminder of the past? I haven't watched those in a while.

You don't like green or yellow? What kind of monster are you?

I'm going to disagree. That fact isn't fun at all!

Still too soon. :(

"What did we expect Jimmy Fallon to do with Donald Trump, anyway?"

As many here have said, no one was expecting Jimmy Fallon to grill Donald Trump like real reporters used to. You can go on about how all politicians suck. John McCain and Mitt Romney weren't exactly prizes themselves, but Trump is 10,000 degrees of awful above what they were, and it's sickening to see him treat him as

Because he's wise enough to sit home and give zero interviews. I tend to agree with what someone said upthread, Parker should have abstained from any publicity whatsoever. If he had really wanted the focus to be on the film, that would have helped.

Yes. See Ray Rice. Also, a San Francisco player was recently released because he punched out a 70 year old man.

Per the guy who translated for them, it was the swimmers who offered money in order to avoid the police.

I guess the party's over THERE now, huh? Yeah.

"These are not 'political' issues"

Yeesh, over two hours long?

I thought it, but you said it. Bravo.