
Somehow I missed the news of this last fall. Well, maybe this version will actually keep my attention. To this day I've never been able to make it past the first 30 minutes of the 2001 version.

I'm a stubborn cuss. And you're right, I have the context of the scene, though I didn't have a problem with it when I saw this scene in the promos. But, even there I already associated Mystique with kick-ass, so for me anything that overpowers her has to be really out there.

Again, appreciate the non-assumptions! I'm glad you to clarify what I said instead of my actual words!

"You said people were just looking to be angry."

Yep, saying that the arguments haven't changed my mind means exactly that. Thank YOU for not jumping to assumptions because I completely disagree with you!

People who want to have a problem clearly will. That's the premise of the article. I didn't have a problem with the poster before, and I still don't now.

I have no reason to think they wouldn't have. If this image had been of Mystique on all fours with her ass to the camera kneeling in front of Apocalypse, I'd be right there with you. But all I see is one being overpowering a pretty powerful fighter, and they used a popular character played by a big box office draw.

Why not?

If Wolverine was in this movie for more than three seconds, I could easily see them using him as he's just as popular as the Mystique character, and perceived as their top fighter.

Anyone "triggered" by the site of one blue being choking another has bigger issues.

Pretty much all of the characters looked like children next to him.

When I saw the poster, I just thought "Wow, this guy must be something if he has Mystique in a grip like that", and I never thought of her as a woman, so to speak, but, well, Mystique who kicks ass.

I'm sorry, it doesn't make sense. I actually went to see this, and I can say that Apocalypse was pretty much gender-neutral as far as how much pain he dished out. Actually, I'm pretty sure he didn't actually kill any female characters, and considering what Mystique had just done to him, well, I wasn't surprised by

This reminds me, finding out the backstory on what they did to Ernie Hudson's character from the original concept kind of ruins the original for me.

Even more of a laughter, there's no prenup!

Wow, I felt the exact same way about Fruitvale Station. I also felt that way about 12 Years A Slave, which I still haven't seen. It's to the point where reliving what that was like makes me physically nauseous. I can read about it, but the images being brought to life…no.

Well, I laughed several times, though I'm guessing everything amusing about the movie is in this trailer.

No Limitless, huh? I guess in the end, it was…limited.

I'm not sure what concerns me more, that you guys were dicks and watched the sex tape of your friends' mom with said friend nearby, or that said friend remained nearby while you watched it.

You take that back, sir, YOU TAKE THAT BACK!