
I'll be extremely disappointed if the corpse at one point doesn't sport sunglasses as he's being twirled around a stripper pole.

It's amazing how many different types of boards they can ruin, no matter the subject.

Well, from what I understand, there were invaders that made things uncomfortable and irritable and….yeast infection joke.

1726. We hail from the Labial region.

Being a vagina-American myself, I had zero issues with the idea of female ghostbusters, but that was just a bad trailer.

Is there going to be a sequel where she an Frederick Douglas go head to head?

As a Floridian, it's ok. I still feel superior to Texans.

At first I was all "Didn't he die?", but then remembered that I was thinking of Chris Penn, Sean Penn's brother.

It most definitely existed for Buffy. It was pretty much message boards and yahoo email groups, but the same thing existed then.

Exactly, I was going to say that I see some of the worst behavior from NON-teenagers who simply haven't matured since the Spike vs Angel fan wars.

Sooo…no chance of a Netflix revival?

I don't think I hate Ben Affleck, but I enjoy watching this video a lot.

I don't think Michael Bay has any illusions about what he is or what he does. Can't say the same for Zack Snyder.

Well, the outcome of this movie led to the hilarious "Sad Affleck" video, so…that's something, right?

I'm stuck going, but it sounds like it's more watchable than MoS so….yay?

I'm stuck going, but it sounds like it's more watchable than MoS so….yay?

I'm not proud that I laughed.

The first one was fairly enjoyable, but I barely made it through the second one. There's unnecessary, and then there's this, a whole new level of…not wanted or needed.

For real. It appears that it got tired of old british rockers and actors and is moving on to hip-hop.

OMG, nooooooo! My childhood in pieces! This one really hurts! :(