
I ran a 15K. Last year was my first time doing it, and it wiped me out for the entire weekend. This year I was in much better shape, and was only wiped out for an afternoon, and was more or less fine the next day.

"But… never, ever, ever tell a black woman with treated hair that they are trying to "adhere to White standards of appearance" (unless you are possibly a black woman)."

There are PLENTY of black women with the hair texture to wear this naturally…

But what about L.J.?!?

Wait, what? How did Joss force the network's hand? You mean he was the reason I was denied more Angel?!?

The Asian joke worked for me because it did drive home that people would get really angry and outraged at THAT joke, but think nothing of who built the equipment they're recording their outrage on.

My knowledge of Canada is pretty hazy, so I'm basically going by what I remember from that South Park movie and the Kroll show. Based on that, I'm ok with this.

I got upset when I lost $50 playing roulette in Las Vegas. This is beyond my comprehension.

I know. All this review did was make me think "So…I'll like the third one, too? Cool!" Sometimes it's just nice to know that everything will turn out ok and everyone will be friends in the end. Not everything has to be Game of Thrones.


Look, anything that gets those who never thought of things like this to actually wake up and realize the insidiousness of it, and how long it's been going on, is good by me. I get the frustration, but as I get older I appreciate more than ever how ineffective it is to attack people who might be coming to certain

The CW actually ended up passing on the Tales from the Darkside remake. Not that I'm still bitter or anything…

*Looks over shoulder for boss, goes on youtube*


I for one think Kate Mckinnon is showing just a little too much forearm. It's not how *I* was raised, anyways. *sniff*

*Drops monocle in soup, fishes it out, puts it back on face*

Not cool, I'd wiped that from my memory.

If it's more "Supernatural" than "Vampire Diaries", I might bite. Get it? Because a lot of monsters bite people, so I used that word! Ha!

"I stopped watching the show midway through that season but I hear she got better."

"Analeigh, besides headlining Manhattan Love Story, was an America's Next Top Model (winner?), if I recall."