
Nah, but having worked at a grocery store for several years in a rural area in the South, the argument of people blowing food stamps on frivolous things isn't unfounded, which is why it's such a common talking point for people around here. No, people don't buy lobster on food stamps (not that it's commonly available

It's actually kind of the opposite of all of those things. It's probably one of the calmest digital forums there is considering how many people use it. It's refreshingly easy to avoid annoying people there. Granted, Facebook seems to be making moves to turn it into something noisier (e.g. video ads), but it's still

If you follow the right people (and pretty much none of the people you know in real life), the quality of what you see can be pretty high. I don't consider myself especially creative in general, but over the past couple of years it's gotten me interested in photography as a hobby AND it's gotten me off of Facebook, so

The Internet

You talking about Dataless? I got sucked into that vortex for a week or so around Christmas. It was actually fairly entertaining, but utterly exhausting

Harry Crane quoting Pete Campbell. A thing like that.

Along with ketchup-flavored potato chips. I'd personally be fine with leaving both north of the border.

If those guys are generally affable, pseudo-rednecks yelling into microphones, then you've hit the nail on the head. Also lots of background cackling

Drill -> Thrill

That's right, I remember them now. He went to bed with one of them and woke up a couple days later with the other with no memory of what happened between

So many headline puns…it's a damn title wave!

The CR-V is classified as a Crossover Utility Vehicle, thank you very much.

I've had to replace most of the moving parts in my Corolla's driver-side door at some point or another (for a total cost of maybe $70, incidentally), not to mention various other broken plastic pieces, but mechanically I haven't had any issues at all. Toyota 4 lyf.

Exactly how I intended it.

Yeah, I just replied to somebody else about that; East TN definitely had sympathy for the Union, and my family is in fact from there. I was more trying to make a relevant joke to the topic, but you're right, I'd be in the minority if my family had owned slaves.

True, East TN was largely sided with the Union, because the hills didn't lend themselves to plantation farming. Incidentally, that's where my family is from.

Nah, slaves were more or less a commodity. Sure, the rich had lots of top-dollar slaves, but the "middle class," as it were, had plenty of slave owners too. A modern-day comparison that comes to mind is car ownership. Plenty of relatively poor people have cars, they're just third-hand junk cars, which is equivalent to

More like 20-25% in Tennessee (higher as you go farther south), but fair enough.

Probably. Davy Crockett was born about 30 miles from my ancestral holler.

My family has been in Tennessee since before the Revolutionary War, and somehow there were no slave owners as far as I know. I think we were too poor…