
I was worried people wouldn’t see it.

I gotta say, that rant took a very weird turn from social responsibility into eugenics real fast.

Trump is the perfect embodiment and essence of what’s generally wrong with today’s world and society. You look at him, listen to him, and you immediately understand why we don’t have a peaceful and prosperous society, why we don’t advance faster, why we don’t use our limited resources more efficiently, why we don’t hav

This was also his 3rd or 4th attempt on that island. They had previously shot at him.

There is nothing tragic about this. There is, however, some sort of poetic justice. Clearly, God wanted him dead - isn’t that how it works?

He illegally went to an island KNOWING it was illegal and how that island operates and he could die and did it anyway. Let that be a lesson to anyone else who wants to fuck with people who DO NOT WANT TO BE FUCKED WITH.

She adds an incredible dimension to the show—and her physical timing and posture when she says her lines are so unique. We can’t get enough of her character on the show. Love her. – Rammed Earth, Cavewell, Antigua and Barbuda, 1 day ago

I assumed The Internet Breaks Ralph is when his game is co-opted by Russian trolls to make deep fake videos of Hillary Clinton murdering white evangelical teenagers.

I look forward to the final part of the trilogy, “The Internet Breaks Ralph,” wherein Ralph learns about YouTube / Twitch streaming of people playing Fix-it-Felix for esports / speed-running purposes.

Agreed. I follow him on Insta and its 1 part horrifying, 1 part gross and 2 parts fascinating. I like his humor though. I’d like it if he could follow up with the name or some info about the pictured creature.

Creepy fish and russian humour, that’s one heck of a combination

The only problematic issue is going to be the price tag. I bet you these things start in the 40's and go in the 60's loaded.

Because many people *want* portrait mode for recording (boo!). Imagine the frustration non-tech savvy people would have with a rotation lock like feature for video.

Glad this family is safe and sorry for the people who’ve lost their homes  

That people who are being self-rightous about things are dumb and deserve to be mocked.”

Subtle difference.

I have seen several commentors on this very site talking about the whole “now that the House is blue, the Trumpers are going to have someone to blame” thing. The unspoken conclusion, I suppose, is that it would have been better not to win at all?!

Just woke up a bit ago, haven’t had coffee yet, but I’m already smiling this morning. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Also, she could’ve easily gained that hour back by simply not blogging about potentially losing it.

Alex. You lose one hour *once* Just once. And everyone born after spring 2019 will NEVER lose it again. And fuck, it won’t be dark when you go home after 5 pm there come the deepest middle of winter. Isn’t that worth one last hour of your life? To not have that flip-flop is worth it, in spades.

So much grousing.