
I've affected the habit of verbally replacing the "H" sound with the "L" sound when laughing so it's clearer to people that I'm LOLing.

You poor thing, :)iminy…

Perfect! It's already got a section for "Lunar Tunes"

He played a pretty convincing (given the tone of the show) racist in Flight of the Conchords. So he may tie that in there too.

Doris is the waitress from the first 2 episodes of this half of the season. I'm blanking on who Alice is myself… I just googled it, and surely Don didn't sleep with Bert Cooper's sister!

That makes sense.. I can barely even type a comment if I'm below the first "load more comments" button. Carry on then! For Roger's sake, of course.

Exactly, thank you for articulating what I think I was trying to say!

Fair enough, I suppose. Still not sure hormonal, teenaged me would have said no to January Jones if the situation presented itself, but I would probably feel bad about it after the fact.

I dunno, it might be harder to keep my mom from wanting to "see what I've done" with my place every time she comes to visit. Of course, I never do anything with it.

I wouldn't ask, but I feel it might be relevant to your cross-country high school tour, which one are you?


First, great comment/username synergy.

and you wouldn't have because…?

Which is why he's Betty's soul mate.

I have the "moon song" on my iPod, and if I'm in public when it pops up in the shuffle I'll skip it to avoid tearing up…

because in the CIA's (and by extension, the government's) eyes, they see whatever they're doing as the right thing, whether we rational mortals would agree or not, and the CIA, almost by definition, requires some degree of secrecy. On the other hand, I'm sure in some cases, they may just do stuff for shits and

Just wanted to point out that there's a weird but great synergy with your avatar/username/character in this thread.


"even he is occasionally makes mistakes"

Something tells me @avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus would disagree…then again he might just get jealous.