I saw someone do this with an Archer costume for Halloween in Seattle and it looked amazing.
I saw someone do this with an Archer costume for Halloween in Seattle and it looked amazing.
Affluenza, divine inspiration, a misunderstanding of what constitutes consent, and a resemblance to Jason Schwartzman in Rushmore.
This woman is an American goddamn hero. It doesn’t even matter that she’s Chinese. That combination of stubbornness, desire to spite the security officials, and getting your drank on just made an eagle cry. It’s beautiful.
Zhou could be my sister from another mister because damn the consequences there’s no way in hell I’d throw that out. Though I would probably share so I wouldn’t get so drunk. But maybe that is just age and experience.
Are you kidding? I would love to read about it! Of course, I’ve lived in a tent myself (not on my own property, though), so I may be a bit biased...
Thanks for the clarification.
Is Ryan Reynolds likable and I missed a memo? His twitter is funny. He seems delightful in every interview- witty, self-aware, intelligent... how the fuck is he married to B Thirsty?
i wanna get a 1d tattoo purely because i think 1/3 of this site would just spontaneously combust with rage.
Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary
In 10,9,8,7...
Whatever, I’d totally watch this. 1) I used to live across the street from John Legend and he was THE nicest dude, me and my friend always ran into him when we were studying at the coffee shop on the corner of our block, and he knew we were in law school and would stop to ask us how studying was going. 2) People give…
In this day and age, it’s entirely reasonable for preteens and teens to be exposed to feminist writing etc. online, especially if she’s using Tumblr. Don’t write her off just because she’s young.
At that age I was really good at summarizing things I had read elsewhere too.
Is smarter on feminism than some adults, at risk of damning with faint praise. There are border collies who are smarter on feminism than some adults.
Next week will be Revenge, so while not light, it’ll definitely be cathartic.
Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.
Of course, once this passes, there will be lots of legislation and funding to assist the families who have been forced to birth a child with disabilities for which they are perhaps not capable of caring/coping/etc. Otherwise, that would just be cruel to both the families and the children.