It’s a Bible allegory. What did they expect?
It’s a Bible allegory. What did they expect?
I’m thinking of ramifications beyond ethnic slurs - of more proactive developes saying, “If you say something I don’t like, we’re getting you with a copyright strike.” You give a game a negative review? COPYRIGHT STRIKE. This particular inident may be about a Youtuber sayingsomething awful, but it opens a precedent.
You know, he can probably be tracked down thanks to internet magic, and hipsters usually can’t fight back...
Well it’s the same... old song...
Also, Bakuto really does sound like Homer pretending to be Mr. Burns.
That doesn’t mean she won’t turn around and try to murder the world tomorrow.
DEFENDERS: I enjoyed it, except for one thing: THE VILLAINS. Wow, The Hand ended up... weak. I mean, awful. I know Marvel has an issue with poorly-written villains, but these guys, sheesh.
I do in-home caregiving for people with mental and behavioral issues. My main client lives about two blocks from the hospital, and uses ER visits for attention. if we don’t take him, he will run over there and then try to claim he can’t walk.
“You’ll be able to see other up to 16 players who are near you, but they’ll only be represented as glowing orbs, not as ships or pilots. And you can’t do much with them in-game, though you can communicate with them over voice chat, hence the “joint exploration” label, since that’ll at least be useful for flying around…
Or, more likely, since this is what happens 99.99% of the time:
The men: “We have 50% women! We’re equal now.”
The woman: “But you guys dont listen to anything we sa-”
Men: “WE’RE EQUAL NOW! And you should smile more, or you won’t get married.”
I have the mobile version. I love it so much. It’s weirdly good, in spite of everything.
So this is what white people consider “poor service?”
Disney should have cast them all. Just have a crowd of Aladdins, as far as the eye can see.
We had the same thought! Ahahahahaha.
I’d rather they just take the Arkham games’ method of not killing eople: You fire a grappling hook into a man’s chest and pull, causing him to fall forty feet into shallow, rocky water. When you look at his body, floating face-down with his head against a sharp rock, detective vision says, “VITALS: Stable.”
Just to add an addendum: Utterly evil people can have morals, or soft spots. Hitler loved his dog, and there were plenty of things that disgusted him. But the presence of a good side DOES NOT justify the evil that someone does. Explanations are not excuses. Humanization is not approval. Good sides do not eliminate…
(edit) whoops, replied to wrong comment. lol. Reposting properly.
I’m more inclined to think that Cosby, in much the same way as most people (only in his case, to a despicably huge extent), simple has massive moral dissonance. He “believes” in family values and women... except when he really wants to have se with someone. Then it’s okay, it’s “somewhere between consent and saying…
Bill Maher exists so conservatives can point and say, “Look! That’s what ALL liberals are like!”
He’s a lot like alex Jones, except alex Jones is what all conservatives are like.