
It’s a Bible allegory. What did they expect?

Dan Lin and Chris McKay are men, right? So...

So, the heroes are going to need to defeat seven batmans, without the help of Batman.
Well, if this isn’t a large-scale rebuttal of “batman can beat anybody DUR HUR INVINCIBLE,” I dunno what is.

The book ended as they drove away, after seeing the gigantic thing - they had no clue if the entire world was going to be engulfed, or even if there were any other survivors, but they had hope. The movie just waited five more minutes before ending.

Weird how the women aren’t allowed full names, but the men are. No THanks or ToCruise, but we’re going to belittle the female celebrities with goofy nicknames.

I’m thinking of ramifications beyond ethnic slurs - of more proactive developes saying, “If you say something I don’t like, we’re getting you with a copyright strike.” You give a game a negative review? COPYRIGHT STRIKE. This particular inident may be about a Youtuber sayingsomething awful, but it opens a precedent.

The difference is, Robert DeNiro didn’t stalk people or shoot anybody to prepare for the role.

So, what about the Netflix “exclusive” shows? Are they being cancelled all at once, or is DIsney taking them? Because I doubt theyll be allowed to continue under Netflix...

You know, he can probably be tracked down thanks to internet magic, and hipsters usually can’t fight back...

I want Marlon Wayans.

It had better pull out a droid-sized li’l lightsaber and toddle around with it. Just saying.
Musical Accompaniment: Duel of the Fates (kazoo)

And of course, they made him white. Look, guys - Marlon Wayans was already cast as Dick Grayson once. Changing him back to white now is just whitewashing. We’ve had to put up with it for years, can’t we just get the character the way he should be? I thought this show was progressive.

Yeah, they did. They’ve lost and regained a lot, and just plain lost even more. The last thing Hasbro wants to do now is have to rename Bumblebee.

To be fair, Transformers has had to rename tons of its own characters for this very same reason. It’s why we have “Octone,” not Octane.

Well it’s the same... old song...

I thought it was to illustrate the racism of people who HATED Sam Wilson as Captain America, and demanded blonde whitebread Steve back, So they made him a nazi to see who would still support him. Or at least there was plenty of commentary to that effect.

President Trump declared a state of emergency?
Good, good. That means there’s no damage whatsoever. Anything Donald Trump says is instantly false, so it’s okay now.

Also, Bakuto really does sound like Homer pretending to be Mr. Burns.

Sorry guys, but Littlefinger is going to trick Arya into killing Sansa, then kill Arya, at which point he will look into the camera and make fart noises for a while as the audience rages.

That doesn’t mean she won’t turn around and try to murder the world tomorrow.