
I actually got the chance to interview Marlon Wayans once, and he seemed a little bummed he never got to play the part.

They lost “Hot Rod” for a while I think?.

She was adopted and raised by Boba Fett and Jar Jar Binks but was actually the secret love child of one of the Modal Nodes.

Now playing

There’s a 10 years old fantastic fan-trailer called “Grayson” on Youtube that explores the idea of Batman’s murder, with Dick Grayson investigating. The creator had even pitched the idea to Warners and DC but nothing came of it. Now look. A Justice League film. Personally, I’d love to see this instead.

He is a metahuman with the meta power of being better then everyone else thanks to creator favoritism.

Sure they do! That’s how Dobby dies.


I’m sure he won’t kill people in the same way Batman “doesn’t kill people” in the Arkham games. Where you just knock them out but they are face down in a foot of water or the animation doesn’t work properly and you pull them away from one edge but they ragdoll off the other side.

If this doesn’t become a song lyric one day, then there is no justice in the world.

I’m not sure about this grimdark remake of Coming To America.

Right, and they have sexist double standards. Like sure, it’s wrong to fuck around. For women. But men can do whatever they want. And whores deserve whatever they get.

I actually think he wholeheartedly believed the things he espoused on Cosby Show and Cosby Kids, and also wholeheartedly convinced himself that what he was doing wasn’t wrong, that the women wanted it, that he was good for him, that when he was done with them, it was because of a failing on their part, he wasn’t

When I was a little kid, I had that knock-off Star Wars figure case. I had decided that, since there were fairly obvious R2, Vader, 3PO, Chewy, Stormtrooper, and Obi-Wan analogs, that the little round thing in the lower left-hand corner was Han.

The Poppins Identity. The Poppins Supremacy. The Poppins Ultimatum.

The brother and sister from original marrying each other and having kids is kinda weird but I guess they did go on drug trip adventures seeing penguins and what not in London.

Fifty Shades of Grimlock.

A Bumblebee Named Desire.

I think you’ve discovered the perfect plot for Transformers 7. Quick get a copyright!

I never said that. You both do the exact same things. You lie about the other. You misrepresent each other. You both make false moral equivalencies. And you both are too ideologically entrenched to see it.

Oh, you’ve met my sister...