136 people think so.
136 people think so.
No. I’m suggesting kids are really expensive for a wide range of reasons that be explored here.
Excuses, excuses, give me money.
So am I. Everyone is.
Gold is the best. Hard to get at the hardware store. They know.
Has less to do with wealth and everything to do with culture. White birth rates have fallen while all other remain steady or are increasing. Goes completely against your economic theory.
Well, there’s also your mom licked my balls, sooo...
Spectacular. Just bonused out another quarter million.i think I’ll take the family to Fiji for Christmas.
Right. Who doesn’t want to dump their newborn child off to be raised by strangers?
I’m going to have a bunch of kids I can’t afford, then I’m going to get online and bitch about how expensive they are like some idiot that can’t add and believed all the nonsense he heard about the American Dream. Then I’m going to respond to someone without kids and share my deep wisdom of how expensive child rearing…
I'm aware you aren't very imaginative.
I hope you’re healthy and happy, fuck face.
If I like Chocolate, and you like vanilla, does that make you a troll?
You should have planed on staying home with your spawn.
I'm sure there was a gun to their head to reproduce.
The brief post war economic boom brought unprecedented economic prosperity to what was otherwise the same existing structure: Mothers staying home with children until they were at least in school.
Go turn your compost pile, hippie.
Me and one hundred and nineteen others.
You're surprisingly obtuse.
Are you suggesting poor people don’t raise their own kids? You’re a terrible person.