
If you play enough in the casino, you can get the hotel room free!

Marvel's most iconic characters are transformed into personality-free puppets. Spider-Man does not quip. The Juggernaut does not roar. Cyclops doesn't accidentally kill his mentor and become a pariah to a community filled with mutants who've done far worse on purpose.

Ever since I started playing games on my PS4, one thing about the console's controller has always stood out to me. It makes a lot of noise. Audio feedback is nothing new or unique to the DualShock 4, but it's particularly...noticeable on the thing. Like the controller is nudging you and shouting, "Hey! I'm over here!"

I'm guessing the inclusion of this car in Forza Horizon 2 has brought it to the attention of many - perhaps even the staff of Jalopnik?

Your comment reminded me of the Cave Johnson line " I'll be honest, we're just throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do"

Pretty sure that's a lambo, dude.

Spoken like a true PCA member. Why are all of you guys such morons?

Anyone who nickle and dimes a build like this when they go to sell it are wasting their time (and more importantly, mine!).

The starports themselves do vary some - and most are quite beautiful and detailed, if you've got the cojones to get close enough to look. But yes, the dark, black, vastness of space all looks the same, as does the super-cruise/hyperdrive animations, and from what I can tell, every star that you jump to.

Assuming it was bolted together properly (decision pending further review), I really like the conversion.

8 and a half mB - god how far we've come with video games. I'm in for a fun filled Sunday!

Never played one prior to LTP, thanks for the heads up! I'm totally out of line then, I've just only heard that exact phrase used in that song I linked. (see what I did there?)

So they basically just ripped off the *slightly new* starbomb song from a few months ago? Hmm.

I have one of these. Wicked fun car. Swapping the 5 speed was a pain, took almost 7 months.


Ever change gaskets on a car? Rebuild carbs? Work on electronics? If you answered yes, then you need a hook and pick set.

The one on the right - google is an amazing technology!

This is a good point - if they could just write some useful software for the thing, I'm sure it has the capabilities to do what TrackIR does if I moved it over to my computer - and being right around the same price point just makes sense. As of now though, mine is just a paperweight...