Based on the headline, I came it thinking it was a clear CP. ‘13's are worth a little less since they’re the first year, and mods don’t add value (unluckly 2013 BRZ owner here)
Based on the headline, I came it thinking it was a clear CP. ‘13's are worth a little less since they’re the first year, and mods don’t add value (unluckly 2013 BRZ owner here)
Went looking to buy this online then on Steam only to finally find it’s an (drumroll)... Epic Exclusive. A fact that really should at least be mentioned in the review - it’s not on “PC”. It’s on Epic and only Epic. Hard Pass.
I run uBlock Origin (as well as ABP Pro, Disconnect, adkills, etc.) and still see this article as a slide show.
I was so EXCITED.
When I first read the headline, I was *really* hoping you were taking one of your vehicles for some much needed [professional] rust repair.
When I first read the headline, I was *really* hoping you were taking one of your vehicles for some much needed [professional] rust repair.
there aren’t even doors on the Maxton, a factor that obviously contributes to its claimed 1,080-pound bantam-esque weight.
I found myself heading from work at Chrysler’s Technical Center in Auburn Hills, Michigan to my apartment 30 miles away in Detroit.
Shocked to not see “KHAKI” as a suggestion...
Anyone who says you can find an unmolested NA for this kind of money must live outside the rustbelt.
The fact that you’d be willing to spend $40k on this and the fact that you don’t have the money for it might be related...
Gorgeous. It’s everything I could want. Except maybe with a V8, because I’m a troglodyte.
I know this article is about the Land Cruiser but...
That’s presumably the catch-can. Way too big to be a radiator cap. I’m guessing the element doesn’t seal properly so they’re using the rag to “filter” the air before it’s discharged to atmosphere. The radiator is up front with the propane (my God, what a sentence) XD