
Lemons 240's!

I haven't driven mine in 3 years but can't bring myself to give it up. Between the 5 speed swap, the stebro, the suspension and brake mods, I'd never get even close to what I think it's worth. Unique car though

Japanese luxo-barge available with automatic only showdown:

I've never really cross-shopped this segment, so I can't put an opinion on the value. But I liked the way the Fiesta ST drives better. Sorry little Fiat.

Half-assed job is half-assed? The entire "build" continues this theme. Cool idea. Terrible execution. Typo in advertised price by an extra 0.

Redacted, a little research shows my memory is not doing it's job

There were 3 Miata's there. All were heavily modified. I didn't see any of them run, they were in the "clinic" (instruction/drift 101) group.

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I have 2 of the Nabi cams I picked up the last time they were on WOOT. I really like them, the remote is handy, can't go wrong for the price. My one gripe is battery life. Video sample from a recent drift day:

Not about the DK2 at all- but I'm happy to see a ED plug on here. So far, my GOTY. I am loving it, despite how rutheless it can be. If you're looking for wingmen, I'm Cmdr Ridered777 on there

"Why yes game, this car IS a POS. Thanks for noticing"

Sadface. All this work that went into this build, I can't believe they didn't make an adapter plate to mate a really transmission up to this thing.

Why is it missing levers? Please god tell me they didn't also swap in that tragic excuse for a gearbox from the smart as well...

So to all you film guru's out there - what's the difference between "film" and "buncha footage from my drift days/track time/auto-X"? How do I turn what I have into an acceptable reason to make people watch non-stop hoonage?

Can't get the PCgamer promo to work. I click "get steam key" and it just grey's it out and nothing. Anyone else figured this out?


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Long story short - stop being a dick because someone isn't a Fiero expert. It had the same motor as the listed car - the 3.8, which I stated in another comment. Fuckin' prick's today man, sorry you penis is so small you have to get on here and write an essay about how I don't know fiero's inside and out. Yes, I was

A distinct possibility, I never said anyone had to agree with me. But more my money I'd rather spend the 11k on an SW20. Or actually, I'd probably just pick up a lightly used Ducati 1098S for that kind of coin. But to each their own.

LOL at all the rabid-fanboi's. Oh no, I drove a heavily modified Fiero and didn't like it! The world is ending! I must be full of shit!!!!1111

It's my opinion, take it or leave it. This post is meant to be a POLL of everyone's opinion. Calm the fuck down hahah.