
If someone could have been bothered to take the time and photoshop that better, it would be a glorious picture.

Looks to be bodged together by a duct tape and zip tie "expert". Not inspiring confidence in his handling of very important fueling components with explosive potential.

Inverted, you say?

Holy crap, I'm gamer. Am I being threatened?

No need for a shop on this one - the idea behind the movie is perfectly represented in a scene from another movie.

Trying to find a video of it, to no avail. Anyone else able to find the altercation on the youtubes?

God, I know I've seen al ot of this thing in a TV show when I was younger... anyone remember what show it was? It's eluding me at the moment.

Maybe they're waiting for the statute of limitations to expire. What is it for speeding/reckless driving in Italy? :)

Following that video that Audi posted last week, does anyone else find this suspicious? "horrific crash at Porsche Curves ".

Now playing

Removing the motor and destroying the car at the same time! What talent!

Why did it post this as a reply to another person rather than starting a new thread like I clicked?

I seem to recall a video a while back about Russians who jump in front of moving cars to try to get insurance money. Perhaps this is a similar scenario?

Automotive journalistic hilarity will be in my neck of the woods! Let me know if you want to join me for one of the New England Lemons race(s), we always love to have "personalities" around (and also people to help drink the booze)

Yeah but for $3500 you can [almost] get a vortec kit...

This is all it takes to get a youtube video featured on Jalopnik? Shit, I've done more exciting stuff on a bicycle...

Those pieces are all available individually, and aren't cheap. The catback stuff is usually about $900, front pipe and overpipe about $400 together, headers about $800 and then you get the ecutek, license and it looks like cable, all pricey too. about $800 for the package. How much of a premium they'll charge for

Yeah but she clearly didn't make $250 million - jokes on you!

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