
"Leaving Skid Marks"

Many owners of the twin-turbo rotary sports car convert their engines to single turbos, just because the factory design is so complicated.

Brokeback Mountain 2: Jeeping in the Wilderness

Of course it's the French.

Another instance of rare doesn't equal desirable. Plus it's clearly a basket case. CP for anything short of lemons money


He certainly needed a big ramp for this one.

I can't solve the digital cube. There's no option to pull the stickers off.

That little drop down arrow menu on people comments really needs a "SPAM" button, so we can remove these bullshit "working from home" comments. There seems to have been a large influx lately.

Must be a car guy thing. While I thought this was pretty cool, my girlfriend just shrugged and said "Hm. Strange."

Now playing

Mario Kart Drunk Driving returns! I hope the rules work with this new one.

This is horseshit. I didn't want a Kincect. But with Forza/other exclusives available ONLY on the Xbone, I chose to spend the extra $100 and "support kinect", since they GUARANTEED that they would never sell X1 without kinect.

This ad must be a typo. I would have a hard time paying more than $1,800 for this ruined heap.

$8.5mil to get laid? CP. Just like the age old "you could buy 30 V6 Rustangs for that money", you could buy lotsa high-end call girls for that money.

I think you just got Kinja'd, Graverobber. Happy early mornin' to yah.

"Jersey Shore". Oddly enough, when the credits roll it's referred to as an "EWi"...

If anyone's looking for a download version: thepiratebay dot se / torrent / 10115613

Thank you for this. I'm not quite as insightful as you, so I'm glad you put this down here to confirm what I thought the ending (mainly "high school Banri"'s role) meant. The observation about the jackets is also a good one, and one that I missed.

Form this image we can deduce that laser disc players make a massive comeback sometime in the next four decades. It also informs us, along with its two screenshot brothers, that Kevin Spacey isn't on-screen during every single second of the game. That's unfortunate.

I didn't want to have to vote CP. I really didn't.