
I really have difficulty comprehending your difficulty here. It seems you're just trying to pick a fight, or come off as a jackass, in your quest to eradicate free games from the universe.

Nice try, but wrong. I was referencing the iOS part...

Personal favorite -

Don't Shoot Yourself is coming to iOS next month for $.99 from publisher Ayopa Games. Try not to...you know...before then.

A single occurrence does not evidence make.

I'm not a pilot, but having seen that episode, I think the large commercial simulator they conducted that test in would be a totally different experience than landing a small light craft like this Cessna.

Beat me to it, well done sir. If this car is as rust free underneath as it looks, it's a great price for a toy/beater, till it breaks down, then it's prime for an FD's 13b swap.

I wish this was a Ferrari, so it would light on fire.

I usually love all things Subaru, but DAMN.

Can't believe I'm say this about an 80's Ford but, I'd hit that. Repeatedly.

Choosing Vader over Dark Helmet? For SHAME!


Yes, and the atmosphere seems to be... wibbily wobbly, at best...

Meet you there. "Ludicrous speed - GO!!!"

Because nobody fucks with Optimus.

Would you like a ride, good sir? I hear the ISS is nice this time of... political climate...

The best way to avoid all this political bullshit.

"Hello, Mythbusters? Yes, I have the subject ready for your next C4 experiment..."

I tried to watch it. I really did. But my ears started bleeding. You've been warned

I wouldn't even drive this rolling death trap around the block, much less PAY for the privilege...