I loved The Evil Within 2, and it does seem to me to a wonderful blend of Silent Hill sensibilities with Resident Evil action (and a sprinkling of Alan Wake for taste).
Did anyone else see “Nemesis Gonad”?
In the UK there was a Saturday morning kids TV show which involved kids playing Weird Dreams. If I recall, there was also a level that featured the character being evicerated by a metal lawn mower.
These guys were the Stanley Kubrick of 80's video games. Just as Kubrick sought to make the best possible movie in every genre of film (horror, sci-fi, war, comedy), so these guys made the best games in every gaming genre available in the 80s.
I had this feeling when playing my first Call Of Duty game, shooting at Japanese troops on a Pacific island. It was far removed from shooting at aliens and demons and I had a real crisis of conscience about shooting at graphics ostensibly representing real people based on real events.
I want Spine Kotaku Jesus as my user name.
Of course, he was also in the original (Russell T Davies penned) UK Queer As Folk. Here he is, rimming Charlie Hunman from Sons Of Anarchy.
Squeezing more out of Sunday evenings for me included Top Gear.
Did Chris Evans morph in John Barrowman?
2:15 - "One by one he painstakingly peels off each leech-like appendage until finally he's free"
Is LisaBadCat the guy who narrated the honey badger video? Substitute "Ultracop" with "Honey badger" and you are there.
You can rest assured!