Captain Alarno

The plot also suffers from the Raiders Of The Lost Ark main protagonist problem - had she not shown up at all, events would have played out the same way. She does not save the day and her very presence makes things worse. Who sprung the trap in Medical too early? Who brought Verlaine back to the Sevastopol at the

What I don't understand is why it is called Alien: Isolation when your character goes to the space station with two other people and interacts with several other people (some of whom actually help you rather than try and kill you on sight). In fact, the only character who is truly alone is the alien itself...

"it mostly wasn't seen at all"... mostly.

I received my PS4 preorder of Alien Isolation yesterday, and it is pretty good. There are some simple annoying design flaws, the most immediate being on the menu screen where "New Game" is the default rather than"Continue Game". It is immensely unforgiving in a Rick Dangerous kind of way - the first time I met the

Great article. I loved the first two with their combination of System Shock 2 and Resident Evil. I may have to revisit them while I wait for Alien Isolation.

I did the same thing earlier this year on PS3 HD and had a very similar experience. I think the most jarring thing is the lack of a right stick direction control when moving, but when you get used to it, everything comes flooding back. I played it obsessively for the best part of a month.

Funny Dino and Martin, no less. It was not a big leap in my head to "Dean Martin" - so then I saw Dean Martin's head on Yoshi's body with laser eyes, ridden by Jerry Lewis with a plumber's cap and moustache.

I usually like Cinema Sins, but this was just atrociously sloppy.

Absolutely fascinating. I had Thundercats on the Atari ST - it was one of the 50 (50!) games that came free with it. It was awful for all the reasons stated above - the terrible collision detection, the piling on of baddies, the ridiculous short reach of the sword, the frustration felt when you died because a tiny

Now playing

Ok - Longplay != Speedrun, but you take what you can get...

Loved it on the Amiga when it first came out and got it for my phone last year. File under "Games were much harder in my day". Enjoyable but in retrospect I must have waited for a walkthrough to be published in a computer mag to finish it first time around.

2:54 "What part of OOWAARGH OOWAARGH OOWAARGH OOWAARGH do you NOT understand?"

Before playing this, I had assumed that Riley would be the one that the title referred to as being Left Behind because she was (dun dun dunnn) dead. It was only occurred to me after that is was Ellie who had been left behind, not joining her friend in that "romantic" descent into madness together.

I thought the breakthrough moment would be when she was playing the beat 'em up, the playing of a game within a game which was all in the game character's mind. That was wonderfully subversive. The fact that two girls kissed should not be the overriding thing to take away from this, it seemed perfectly natural.

Nope - it's $750,000 to buy. I sold my fully modded Ubermacht Oracle to buy it. The moment I took it out for a spin someone pulled up next to me, admiring it. He got out of his car and hopped into mine. Little did I know, he had a wanted level and brought the ire of the LSPD with him. My lovely new car was bullet

Also - WARP, Aliens / Predator from Aliens VS Predator, Maw from The Maw...

I was very much reminded of Shenmue during the dockyard crate moving shenanigans. I wonder how much of that was a conscious homage, given that GTA V is what Shenmue strove to be?

Press square for doubt, triangle for lie, detective!